Chapter Two

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*Heyyy!!! Chapter Two!  Please comment, fan, and vote!!!!!  Yeah...  I had to slow things down because Meghan over here was speeding through it.  hehe!  Luuv uuu Meghan :P

-Isabella S.*

*Hey! I wanted to get to the whole, 'One Direction' seane! No sense in wasting time with reading Auther's notes though, so if your still reading this.... Don't! Read  the story!*

Chapter Two:

Rose stepped off the plane, drowsy and glad to be back on the ground. They hadn't died like in her dream, thank the lord for that.

“Mark,” Karter yelled as she ran after Zayn, using his fake name so he wouldn't know she knew. Rose, still feeling out of it, caught up to her.

“Uh, hello. I didn't catch your names earlier,” he spoke, scratching the back of his neck.

“My name is Karter Moon.”

“Oh, hi,” Rose  began panting a bit from the running, but she recovered. She ran a hand through her stringy, wind blown hair and then continued. “I'm Rose Dally.” Both of them shook Zayn's hand.

“Zayn, we need you to tell the boys to meet at the nearest coffee shop,” Rose started. “We have to talk about something. It's of major importance.”

“Wait...” Zayn spoke reluctantly, “How did you know my name?”

“Dude,” Rose said, using those random hand gestures of hers. “You're famous, first of all.” A quiet oh escaped from Zayn's lips. “And, Karter here can tell when people are lying. And you, sir, are a liar.” Of course, Rose had to add the last part. It was in her blood, practically, to have some sarcasm. It was just her bubbly self to do so.

“Um... you're creeping me out a bit here.”

“Zayn! Listen here. We need to speak with you and the boys immediately!” Karter almost shouted.

“Okay, fine. I'll meet you at the coffee shop,” he began, letting out a noise that sounded like a mix of a sigh and a groan as one. “It's not too far from here; just around the corner actually.”

“What time?” Rose asked.

“Wait, I'm not done yet. You seem like a couple of stalkers to me... so I will not call the boys until you tell me what's going on. Now, shall we say in about two hours?” The girls nodded in response.

Zayn walked away with the image of Rose fresh in his mind. Already he could tell she was the shy, bubbly sort. But, he couldn't be sure. The fact that she had said that about her friend makes them seem a little ill to the head. It also could have been some paparazzi or one of those annoying, undercover reporters for those gossip magazines.

Zayn walked away towards a black limo, talking to a few 'invisible' people for a moment. A door opened, and Zayn disappeared in, shutting it behind him.

"So, now what will we do for 2 hours?" Rose turned her blue orbs onto Karter, who only shrugged in response.

"Look around? Shop? Go half an hour early?" Karter suggested.

"That could work but..." Rose trailed off.

"'But' what?"

"But, we need a hotel. I only brought so much.  It might set us up for two or three nights."  The two girls went over to a news stand to ask for a good hotel within their budget.

"Just down the street, by the coffee shop," The middle aged man replied to Rose.

"Thanks!" Rose called back over her shoulder.  They started walking.  "Well, we're right by the cafe we're meeting Zayn at.  It's like we're planning ahead."  Rose smirked as they walked off to the inn.  "Now," she began in a posh, London accent, "Let's hurry, darling, so we can go shopping before our date with a mega celebrity."  Karter giggled at this.

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