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You astonish me. Just as much as I astonish myself. I'm kissing you this time and you're kissing me back. Every neuron of my rational brain should be yelling in protest. I'll catch a disease. Some kind of parasite will imbed itself in my tonsils or lungs or gut.

I'll die.

And yet, for the first time in a long time my mind is quiet.

Your lips are soft and dry. I pull back, still holding your chin. You gaze up at me with those wet, wide eyes.

Why do you care so much? You don't even know them. They mean nothing to you. I can't understand it, and yet your thought processes—your emotions—speak to me in some deep, instinctive way. 

You are remarkable. You are astonishing. You are the most amazing creature I have ever met. My species should be studying what's in your heart and soul and mind, not what's in your pelvis. What is wrong with us?

I step back.

'What's wrong?' you ask me.

'I don't know,' I say. But I do know. I'm trembling so much I fold my hands under my armpits. I begin to pace, my heart thudding in my throat. I know what's wrong—you're making me question everything, my very life's purpose.

I wish you'd stop it.

I wish you'd push me harder.

You seize my hand and I stop pacing. Taking a breath, I look over my shoulder towards the viewing window of my laboratory. My drones are busy keeping my subjects comfortable at my request. No more experiments. No more research. They will sleep until they're due to return to their home planets.

I tremble harder. I don't know what to do. I have no direction and no safe place to fall. I turn to look at you. You're worried as you gaze up at me, your hand soft and small in mine.

'Help me,' I croak.

You seem to understand. You seem to know exactly what I'm thinking. I can see it in your eyes. You: a species so much lesser than my own, knows me better than I know myself.

I follow meekly as you gently drag me back to my quarters. The door whooshes open, then snaps shut behind us. My ears are throbbing with the pulse of my heartbeat. I seem to be swimming in deep water, my head submerged. When you speak to me, your voice sounds muffled and it takes me a long time to make sense of what you're saying.

We're standing in the middle of my room. You're speaking but I hardly hear you as I gaze around vacantly. Then you take both my arms, one at a time, and wrap them around your waist. Holding me close, you press your cheek against my chest.

It calms me. My heart slows just a little. Tightening my hold, I rest my cheek against your head. And we just stand there embracing.

But it's not enough for you ... and it's not enough for me either. You start nuzzling my throat. Reaching up, you slowly pull down my zipper. I don't stop you. You open my suit down to the navel, then your lips are against my chest. I gently knot my fingers in your hair, leaning my head back as you kiss me along my collar bones.

You look up at me, then pull back, taking my hand as you do. You give it a tug, wanting me to join you on the bed. I want to go and yet I don't. There's a battle raging inside me. My feet won't move.

You say something, a strange word, something not even my translator can pick up. You say it again, and I realise you're trying to say my name. Your forehead wrinkles and you frown in disappointment as you fail.

Something stirs in my chest. My feet unlock and suddenly it's me dragging you to the bed. Your bare feet patter lightly against the floor. Your little hand is cool and dry in mine. I can hear your breathing and it's shallow and fast. When I reach the edge of my bed, I pause, uncertain what to do next.

You give a little chuckle. It sounds like you're teasing me but when I look at you, I see that your smile is kind and gentle. Biting your lip, you touch my chest, then reach up to pull off the shoulders of my suit. Despite the zipper being open to its fullest extent, my suit is a struggle for the both of us. You step back, watching as I peel it off myself. I pull it down over my hips, wincing as it catches on my erection. All too quickly the suit is a grey puddle at my feet. I leave the intercom on top. We are within range enough that it will still translate while we're being ... busy together.

I almost cross my hands over my groin but resist the urge, fisting them at my sides instead. The way you're staring at me makes my heart thud. I take a deep breath.

'Are you sure you're ready to do this?' you say.

I give a wobbly smile. 'No.' I swallow hard, my throat dry. 'But I think I want to.'

You smile back. 'Sit.'

I obey, my hands on my knees. I glance into my lap, then quickly away again. The very sight of it makes me break out into a sweat.

'Don't look at it, look at me,' you say. Slowly, you pull down your zipper, your breasts on either side. The trail of skin you reveal looks so smooth. I see your belly button, and I suddenly get the bizarre urge to push my finger into it.

When the suit's open to its fullest, you peel it off down to your hips. I stare at your breasts. It's not as though I haven't seen them before. I touched them and poked and prodded them when you were lying prostrate on my laboratory bench. Then, I felt nothing but an almost indifferent curiosity. Now ... things can't be more different.

The very sight of them floods my body with heat. My mouth waters. I'm forced to clench my fists into the sheets because all I want to do is reach out and grab them. They're only lumps of fat in flaps of skin. What's wrong with me? My penis gives such a hard throb a small amount of semen spurts out.

It relieves the worst of the pressure in my testicles but it's still not enough. I grip onto them with a groan. I look up at you imploringly, just like you did to me when you were lying prone on my workbench completely within my power.

You frown. A crease appears across the bridge of your nose. 'You better lie down,' you say.

Unnatural Instinct: AbductionWhere stories live. Discover now