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You laugh so hard tears roll down your cheeks. Wiping them away, I kiss your nose. The blue has almost completely faded now, except for a little tinge in your eyes.

The small contractions of my penis at each ejaculation are becoming fewer and fewer. Soon, they stop completely. We should be able to pull apart but I don't tell you straight away; I like being inside you too much.

Then I feel myself turning limp. I raise an eyebrow. 'Should we try?'

We look down between our bodies as we slowly ease apart. Blue semen coats my penis. The moment my tip withdraws out of you, you shriek and clutch at your groin, but it does nothing to halt the flow of semen pouring out of you. It gushes through your fingers, down your legs, where it then pools into the bed sheets. It's all over me too—hot and wet and sticky.

You choke and sputter with laughter. I laugh too. Then you're off the bed and fleeing towards the steam bath, leaving a trail of blue in your wake. It's all over your backside and up the backs of your legs. It shocks me. How much is there? I look at the bed—it's flooded. There's no documentation detailing how much ejaculate to expect when orgasming into a female. I don't know if this is normal or not.

I hear the pounding of the steam as you turn the bath on.

It's a revelation. My species' fertility is dropping: females are producing less eggs and males less sperm. The quantity of ejaculate doesn't necessarily mean a higher sperm count, but it's still worthy of further investigation.

I retrieve a specimen container from my desk and collect some. After I'm done, I join you in the bath.

You're looking pale but you're smiling. The door closes behind us. You look embarrassed. I can't understand why since it's my mess. You're not succeeding very well with your bathing but that's not your fault—my semen is still emptying out of you.

I try to tell you that you're going to have to wait but you don't understand, and I realise that I've left my intercom on the floor by the bed. I think about going to retrieve it, but decide against it. What do I really need it for in here?

'Here, let me help you,' I say pointlessly.

I turn you around so your back is facing me and you can brace yourself up against the wall to keep balance. I knock my foot against your ankles, indicating that you should spread your legs.

You do, and I stand close. Reaching between your legs, I gently insert my finger into your vagina. You give a little shriek, then laugh. I swirl my finger in a clockwise direction, relaxing your entrance and opening it more so my semen gushes out more quickly. It works. Soon, my hand is bright blue.

Eventually, you empty almost completely, and yet I don't remove my finger. Like I said, I like being inside you too much. I like the sight of your round backside and heaving shoulders. I imagine your beautiful breasts squashed up against the wall. My limp penis gives a little twitch.

You gasp as I push my finger further inside you, all the way to the end. You say something. I don't know the words you speak but somehow I know what you want.

You want more.

I withdraw and you moan as I insert a second finger. You moan again as I push deeply inside you. I withdraw again to insert a third finger. Then I'm sliding in and out. You push yourself up against the wall, your face pressed hard against it as you pant.

In and out. In and out. And as I pleasure you, so too do I feel pleasure. My penis is rising like it's powered by its own energy source. It doesn't feel like an appendage of mine at all. I get the urge to press up against you, so you can feel it against your back.

I'm panting into the back of your neck. Every time I thrust in my fingers, I thrust up against your back. My groin feels like it's on fire. The steam isn't helping.

'Bath, off,' I command.

The steam promptly snaps off. Pulling out my fingers, I twist you around. You're wide-eyed. Your face is red. Your breasts are heaving. I drop to my knees. If you asked me right now what's running through my mind, I wouldn't be able to answer you. All I know is that I need you at some basic, primal level that's entirely out of my control. I'm all body and no mind.

You gasp, grabbing onto my hair as I plant my mouth onto your hip. Why on your hip? I don't know. Just the mere sight of the bone pressing up against your skin makes me want to gnaw on it. I kiss across your abdomen. Your hands tighten in my hair as I swirl my tongue in your belly button.

With a hard yank, you pull my face up. I glimpse your startled eyes before my gaze drops to your breasts. The warmth of the shower has made your nipples so soft and large. That's it for me. With a growl that seems to come out of nowhere, I drag you down to the floor. You're on your knees but I push you flat on your back and before I know it my mouth is around your right breast. I suck and gnaw. I even chew a little which makes you cry out and claw your fingers into my scalp.

I want to engulf them. I want to eat them. I want to imbibe them. When that breast has been thoroughly attacked, I move onto the other one. The sounds of my sucking and your panting echoes around the little room. My knees are aching against the floor, though I hardly notice.

Finally, I remove my mouth. We stare at each other. I'm kneeling between your legs, your thighs thrust up on either side of me. The heavy lips of your vagina yawn at me. Your skin is still streaked with blue in odd places: on your thighs and hips and on your feet.

My penis is throbbing. I want so badly to put it inside you again but something holds me back. A little voice at the back of my brain tells me that this isn't right. That I am more than this. I try to stand but you seize my arm and pull me back down.

Curling your legs around my waist, you tuck yourself into me until the tip of my erection presses against your opening. I groan. I'm on all fours now, like the animals I experiment on. My hair is hanging around my face. I feel all the muscles in my back and neck tighten. I've never felt my body like I do now. I feel so ... male. I feel the blood pumping through my veins. I feel powerful. Like I can do anything. Like I can crush you, the world, the universe in one of my big fists.

I close my eyes. Taking a deep breath, I thrust into you.

Unnatural Instinct: AbductionWhere stories live. Discover now