||Let Him Go||

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//Play song when I say//

-3rd person POV-

You woke up then next day not wanting to do anything. You just laid in bed. You sighed and looked at your phone. You finally decided to get out of bed and get ready for the day.

You finished getting ready and did your hair

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You finished getting ready and did your hair.

You finished getting ready and made your way downstairs to the music room. You walked up to the piano and touched some keys. You sighed then left the room. You kept walking around the castle thinking out what to do.

You just decided to go back to your room and do some school work.

-Time Skip-

You were just relaxing in your room. You looked at the time and saw that it was 6:09pm.

'Woah, where did time go?' You thought. You got off your bed and exited your room. You went to Anna's room and knocked on her door. You waited for a bit.

Anna then opened the door. "Hello Y/N" Anna says with a small smile.

"Hey.." you said.

"Come in" She said and opened the door wider for you to enter. You smiled and entered her room.

"Did you find anything out? About..Rudolph" you asked while looked at the floor.

"Yes.. You were right. Rudolph is under Elizabeth's spell" Anna said.

'I knew it' You thought. "What should I go?" You asked.

"Well, if I were you I would show him the one he loves" Anna said. You smiled at her advise and nodded. You guys talked for a bit and talked about a plan.

"I say we pull Rudolph away from Elizabeth... You need to talk to him without Elizabeth there" Anna said.

"You right" You said. You guys decided to go and tell Gregory about the plan.

You guys planned a time and place.

'Rudolph.. we ARE going to get you back'

-Time Skip-

It was time to make the plan happen. Anna and Gregory went to find Rudolph while you waited in the music room.

-Anna's POV-

Gregory and I were flying around the castle trying to find Rudolph. We flew to a room that looked like a 'ball room'. We saw Rudolph there with Elizabeth. I crossed my arms, then I remember the plan. I uncrossed my arms and put my 'acting face on'. I put a wide smile on my face and approached Rudolph with Gregory. "Rudolph!" I called with a fake smile.

Rudolph looked at me and gave me a small smile. "What is it Anna?" He asked.

I grabbed him by the arm. "I have a surprise for you!" I said and pulled him out of the room before Elizabeth could say anything.

We were on our way to the music room.

-3rd person POV-

You were waiting patiently. You then saw the door open. You stood up straight and saw Anna push Rudolph through the open door. Anna then closed it. Rudolph looked at me and had a serious face. You gave him a soft smile.

"May I play you something on the piano?" You asked. There was silence before Rudolph nodded. You sat on the little stool and started to play the song 'Human, by Christina Perri'

You finished singing and playing the song. You looked at Rudolph and smiled. You got off the stool and approached him. "Do you remember the memeries? All those good memories" you asked. Rudolph looked into your (e/c) eyes.

You went closer to him and gently took his hand. You pulled him a little closer and kissed him. The kiss was full of passion.

Rudolph wasn't kissing back at first, but he opened up and kissed you back.

You guys pulled away. "Y/N.." Rudolph said and smiled at you.

"Your back!" You said and hugged Rudolph.

Rudolph smiles and hugged you back. "I'm sorry for all the mean things I did!" Rudolph said.

You smiled. "Don't worry about it" you said.

*clap, clap, clap*

You and Rudolph heard a slow clapping coming from the dark corner. "Well done" you heard.

'Not this bitch again..' you thought.

She came out of the shadows. "Elizabeth.." Rudolph growled. Elizabeth smirked.

"How funny... you wanting to be with a mortal" She laughed. Rudolph was about to say something until you stopped him.

"Don't stoop down to her level.." you said.

Elizabeth stopped laughing and growled at you.
"How dare you take him from me!! He was mine!!" She exclaimed and flew closer to you. Rudolph pulled you behind him. You stopped him and pushed him to the side gently.

"I can handle this.." you said to Rudolph giving him a soft smile. "Oh please! A mortal vs a vampire!" Elizabeth said.

You looked into her red eyes. "You don't know what I can do" you smirked. She laughed some more.

//Play music!//

Elizabeth flew towards you and grabbed you by the collar of shirt, she lifted you up so you were now floating. You growled and slapped her across the face. She didn't let go. She flew towards the window and flew outside with you. You both landed on the roof. Elizabeth was on you. "Get...off me!!" You yelled and kicked her off you. She flew back. (YEET!!) You got up. You soon saw Rudolph, Anna and, Gregory appear on the roof. Rudolph got in front of you while Anna and Gregory stood beside you.

"This is my fight" you said while still catching your breath. They all looked at you with worry but soon, with determination. They moved away from you. You smiled at them then felt something hit your stomach. You turned your head straight and saw Elizabeth, she punched you.

You were now down and Elizabeth was now on top of you. You grabbed her by her blond hair and pulled it. She got off of you, you stood up and kicked Elizabeth in the stomach. You let go of her, she stumbles back a bit.

You see Elizabeth fly at you. She took a hold of you and soon, you guys were falling. "Y/N!!" You heard someone call your name. Elizabeth was giving you a evil smiled, she was about to let go of you till you grabbed her by her hair and pulled her with you.

"Oh hell no! Your coming with me!" You yelled. You finally felt the impact of water hit your back. You were floating down until someone grabbed you. It was Gregory. He pulled you out of the water and held you close. He put a hand on your head. You started to fly away from the water.

You see Anna and Rudolph with Elizabeth. You growled. Elizabeth looked at you and was about to fly at you before Rudolph stopped her. Elizabeth started to cry.

"What a brat..." you mumbled. Gregory nodded. Elizabeth then flew away.

Anna and Rudolph flew towards you. "Don't worry, she won't come back" Rudolph said while showing you a small smile. You smiled at him.

"Are you ok? you look really tired and...dizzy" Anna asked.

"Y-yeah...I just need..some...rest" you finished then all you see was black.


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