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Diamond Jamil

"Diamond chile, you look amazing !" Kendra smiled big pulling into a big hug and I furrowed my eyes at the last part cause I didn't know what the hell she said

"Thanks. You too." I mumbled patting her back

"And congrats on—" She grabbed my hand to see my ring but I wasn't wearing it "Where's your ring hun ?"

"Home." I smiled and she furrowed her eyebrows for a minute "Uh Natino is the kitchen." She said and I nodded before she walked off

Im finna kill her son and that's real talk. His mama was having alil barbecue or whatever that I didn't wanna come to in the first place.

"Jamil girl ! How ya doin !" Uncle Willy came infront of me and I fake smiled

"Good." I hugged him back

"You stay outta trouble now."

"Yes sir." I smiled before heading into the kitchen seeing some of his aunties and uncles fixing food out of the silver pans

"Hey." I spoke to a few of them before I walked up to Natino who was eating ribs off a plastic plate by the sink

"Hurry the fuck up." I got close to his face trying not to make everybody look at us

When he was outta town thats when shit started to fall apart. I ended up not even going to Orlando cause some bitch answered his phone at the "studio".

I said fuck everything and broke up with his ugly ass but he would not leave me the fuck alone.

I can't deny the fact that I miss him so he wanted to talk in person cause everytime we get on the phone and talk about what happened one of us either hang up or block each other

We been goin through it for two whole weeks now and he just got back in town like two days ago

"Calm the fuck down." He bit a piece and put it back on the plate before he grabbed a napkin and picked up the plate "Come on jit."

"I swear Im finna stab this bitch." I said under my breath as we walked back outside

"Im not goin no fuckin where witchu bitch." I wrinkled my face as he got inside putting his plate on the middle console

"Fuck in the car brah." He gave me a crazy look


"Im sicka yo fuckin attitude damn !" He yelled in frustration getting in the car "Can't take dis shit no mo brah !"  I heard him say and I rolled my eyes opening the door getting in

"And Im sick of yo lyin ass bitch !"

"Brah foreal don't call me no bitch."

"I don't give a fuck about yo feelings cause you ain give a fuck about mines !"

"Bitch you accusin me of some I didn't even do !" He screamed back at me

"Accusin you ?! Another bitch answered yo phone !" I screamed back

"Cause I left the shit in the studio by accident ! You ain got no typa faith in me dawg !"

"She said y'all been talking for two months and she was over at yo house !"

"Been over my house ?!" He looked at me crazy "You slow as a bitch on my life you is." He started shaking grabbing his phone

"So you was talking to the bitch !"

"We was friends I didn't fuck the female ! She never been to my house dumb ass I was on the fucking road how she been to my house ?!"

"Friend or now how you could you make this bitch feel important Natino !" I screamed "Like I wouldn't do this shit to you !" I bursted into tear putting my head down making him suck is teeth

"You ain got in faith in me." He put his head on the steering wheel

"How when you give me every reason not to ? First the bitch answerin the phone and then you got these retarded ass bitches dming me on instagram !" I said after wiping my eyes

"I ain have shit to do with dat !"

"So how the bitch you what hotel room you was in and what hotel you was at ?!"

"I keep tellin you I don't know." He clenched his jaw

"Lie to me again and Imma punch you in yo shit. On my mama !" I screamed

"I fucked em aight ! That's whatchu wanna hear huh ?!" He said "I did it !" He screamed at me as I shook my head crying

"Ain't nothing about you changed ! I fuckin knew it." I sniffled shaking my head "I fuckin knew it."

"I didn't mean dat shit though Jamil." He looked at me

"You made it seem like I was so fuckin crazy and whole time its true !"

"Cause I din want yo ass leavin me ova it ! I luh you more than my own fuckin life Jamil ! I was on drugs bruh I wasn't even in my right fuckin mind." He explained as I was still in fucking shock

"So you din use a condom ?" I looked at him "Cause if you remembered to put one on you was in yo right fuckin mind !"

"I don't fuck just anybody raw." He wrinkled his face "Drugs or not."

"We're done Natino. I can't keep acceptin this shit from you. This not apart of a fuckin up and down. Im done." I mumbled feeling extremely hurt

I would do anything for this man and this how he repay me. That's niggas for you.

"Aight." He stared at me "If you fuck me again Imma leave you alone foreal."

"No you not. Dude I can't even look at you right now." I looked at the floor

"Come in the house real quick."

"No." I looked at him before quickly looking away. I couldn't believe him and I was just wondering why the fuck would he do it

"No." I cried putting my head down after he opened my door. I didn't wanna fuck him but I just knew I was

"Come." He grabbed my arm making me get out the car "Imma leave you alone foreal." He tried to kiss me but I turned my head

"You lyin." I pushed his head away from my neck and he grabbed my hand and we went back in the house

We went in his old room and he locked the door behind us and closed the window

"Imma leave you alone." He got on top

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