After your call with Ben you needed to get ready for when Kelly shows up. You got in the shower, did your skin routine, makeup, etc... when you were done with all of that you were just hanging out and waiting for Kelly. While you were waiting you started to think about the kiss you had with Jordan, 'why did I kiss him' you thought to yourself. You were kinda disappointed in yourself for actually kissing your ex. Like who does that.
It was around 5:30 when your doorbell rang. You opened it to see yours truly, Kelly Oubre Jr.
Kelly-"hey" he said while taking you into a hug
You-"hi" you said while hugging him back
You guys were hugging for a good 10 seconds.
Kelly-"so change of plans, we're gonna chill here and watch something, I brought the food and you choose the movie"
You and Kelly got settled in the living room and you put on The Sandlot.
Kelly-"good choice"
You-"I know"
Kelly-"So how have you been?"
You-"Jeez my life is sorta complicated right now, I don't know what I'm doing anymore"
Kelly-"what happened"
You-"just dude drama and shit"
He looked down when you said that
Kelly-"soooo what went down"
You were contemplating on whether to tell him everything.
You-"you know Jordan and Ben"
Kelly-"so you fucking both of them"
You-"what no, idk it's just like Jordan is sweet and checks up on me. But a little too much. He got pissed when he seen I went to have dinner with Ben."
Kelly-"and Ben?"
You-"he's sweet and wants to get to know each other more, like that way. Idk if I should or not. He treats me right yk"
Kelly-"I don't think you should fuck with either of them."
You look at him like he didn't know what he was saying but that look faded away when you realized Kelly knew what he was talking about. He's heard about Ben. He doesn't fw Jordan at all because I started to date Jordan after Kelly, and after what he put me through.
Kelly-"listen y/n I want you to be happy, I just don't know if Ben could do that. I sure as hell know Jordan won't because he just thinks about himself. You need someone who is willing to love you unconditionally and never leave your side no matter what y'all are going through yk?"
You-"yeah I get it. I just feel so lonely all of the time. I'm always here by myself, there's like no family pictures on the wall. I need someone who can distract me from my thoughts"
Kelly-"yeah I know y/n, but it's never gonna be that easy yk..
Kelly-"anything else you want to tell me?"
You-"I kissed Jordan this morning" you say while looking down.
Kelly sighed and got up to leave the room. He was mad because you promised him you wouldn't do anything physical with Jordan. Even if it was a kiss. He was just looking out for you. He wants you to forget about Jordan pretty much. You knew Kelly still had feelings for you. He hasn't fucked with any girl at all since y'all broke up. When he was drunk one time he confessed that he still loved you. That was a couple months ago.
You-"Kelly look" he turns around with his head down and his hands in his pockets.
You-"it just happened, he came over to say sorry for exploding at me last night."
Kelly-"so you have to kiss him" his tone changed.
You-"no that was wrong of me and I feel bad"
Kelly-"You promised me y/n, you said nothing would go down."
You-"I'm sorry, really"
Kelly-"you know I don't got time for this right now. I got a game tomorrow "
He stormed out of the house and slammed the door...

In a Heartbeat
RomansaIn which y/n has to choose between the men she has once loved or soon gonna love. Now just read :)