Day 6

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His answer- It's actually quite funny because both me and my younger brother(11) have girlfriends but my mom nor my older sibling have a spouse. We frequently bring it up during family time. It's also frustrating when I tell my mom something that me and Brianna plan to write, talked about on the phone, etc. and she confuses it with my older sister who shares the same name. I purposely call Brianna by her full name when talking to my mom because we're not allowed to call my older sister by her full name, we can only call her Bree. Sometimes I get pretty mad and I'm slowly starting to tell her less and less stuff about our relationship due to this problem. My older sibling, on the other hand, is very supportive of our relationship and often jokes about me saying 'I Love You' to Brianna whenever I have to get off my phone.

Her answer- My parents don't know about our relationship😞. My parents are over protective and literally don't let me do anything (I'm not allowed to have social media, I still have to go to them to ask if I can watch something if it's over TV-14, I can't wear makeup, I'm not allowed to wear certain things, etc.) My mom is a bit more understanding and its okay with somethings. It's my dad that's difficult. He once threaten to hack (he's a network engineer)and delete my account if I got any social media.

It would also be difficult to tell them because of how we met and where we met. DDLG is not necessarily something you'd want to tell your parents.

I told my mom about my past relationship after we broke up because she knew I wasn't tell her the full truth when I told her why me and my ex were not close anymore ( me and their family were/kinda still are close because me and them were friends for years before we dated), I'm bad at lying.

Long story short, telling my parents is a no go. It sucks because I wish I could talk to my mom about him and be able to save his name in my phone (my parents also randomly check my phone so his contact is saved as a friend's name ㅠㅠ) and maybe one day see him in person. But I'll just have to wait until my parents loosen their reigns (idk if I spelled that right oof).

Right now only my closest friends know but its not the same.

I want to tell everyone😞...

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