20 | The Fight

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Love me with your worst intentions
Didn't even stop to question
Every time you burned me down
Don't know how, for a moment it felt like heaven


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Chapter dedicated to: islynrebman
Thank you for your comment, Angel!

<<raqeeba's p.o.v>>

I shivered looking at the sinster smirk plastered on his face as I pushed myself backwards away. As far away from him as possible. My back pressed against the hard cold wall as I my vision turned blurry and my lips quivering.

His green orbs wreaked through me from head to toe before he bit his bottom lip, and started taking steps closer towards me, making my heart skip millions of beats.

"D-don't please." Smirking at my words his large body crouched down at my level. I winced at the feel of his rough hands on my thigh before he moved his hand up and down. I tried wingling under his hands but the thick chain tied tight around my ankle made me unable to do it.

"Oh Doll. Do you have any idea how beautiful this little body of yours is?" I was too lost at the tears the stung my eyes and the burning feeling at the back of my throat making me hiccup loud. His hands moved to my knees making me stop breathing because even though I was accustomed to it. It still hurts.

"No!" My voice came out as a shriek making his eyes shoot towards mine. I shivered as his cold dark green orbs glared at me and his jaw cleanched before he forcefully gave me a tight liped smile.

"You're lucky, you're my favorite." He whispered before parting my legs apart, giving my inner thigh a pinch before his hands started moving upwards.

"Please don't do this. I-i will give you all my chocolates. I promise!" He stopped and looked at me

"I wish but I don't like chocolates." I rubbed my running nose with the back of my hand as I smiled at him "O-okay! I-i have two Bunny toys! You can take them all and oh there's a doll too!"

His dark chuckle boomed in the room before his hands travelled in between my legs and the little hope in me died.

"You're my favorite Doll." Why does he come again and again!

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