She was the little lavender in a bunch of roses. The roses he dearly loved and the lavender he was allergic to.
Yet what happens when a leap of fate brings the two completely undestined and mismatched duo together in a bond so sacred.
A marriage, ba...
Before you guys read further it's a genuine question that I have for you all.
And it's VERY IMPORTANT for the rest of the story.
Do you guys want Raqeeba to be the...
A) Timid n Shy Type?
B) The Really Bold Type?
C) Crazy, shy yet bold when needed type?
Answer this before reading further please! Love you all! Have a happy go reading!
Oh! And! I hope you all realize that the lyrics I put up at the start of every chap is kinda like a trigger for what's gonna be ahead. Lol.
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You just need to take several seats and then try to restore the peace And control your urges to scream about all the people you hate 'Cause shade never made anybody less gay
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<<raqeeba's p.o.v>>
I personally for a fact don't know what was wrong with me. Yes, I was hurt a little bit more than that I was fuckin angry at that Doofus of a husband of mine. Didn't he get the fact after yesterday's 'fight-me' thing that I am NOT gonna play the pretend game!
Not when he dared to use that as a weapon against me and character-certified me with that tiny piece of shitty knowledge he has! Yes, I'm glad that he was there for me and will forever owe him but definitely not at the expense of my damn respect.