When You Find Your Forever Person

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When you find your forever person, you feel like a priority. You feel like a first choice. You feel like you’re getting as much as you’re giving.
When you find your forever person, you feel relieved, because you realize that this is it. You no longer have to go out on dates, make small talk with strangers. You’re done with the dating games. You can finally settle down. You can finally breathe.
When you find your forever person, you stress less. No matter how rough your work day was, no matter how big of a fight you got into with your parents, you know that you get to come home to a safe place. A loving place. A place where your person will hold you in their arms and make you feel okay again.
When you find your forever person, you strive to be better. Not because you’re worried that they’ll leave you. Not because you feel pressured to do those things. Because you honestly believe they deserve the best — and you want to give it to them.
When you find your forever person, you become more of a romantic than you ever thought you were. You want to cuddle. You want to celebrate anniversaries. You want to show your person you love them every chance that you get, because you can never say those three little words enough.
When you find your forever person, you feel a sense of comfort. You no longer have to put on a mask and pretend to be perfect. You can be your authentic self. You can let your person see the darkest parts of you without worrying about being abandoned.
When you find your forever person, you stop looking around. You enjoy the moment, enjoy where you are, enjoy the person you’re with, without thinking about what you’re missing. In your mind, you aren’t missing anything. Everything feels right.
When you find your forever person, you feel like you’re where you were always meant to end up. You feel like you’re finally home.

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