Chapter 2

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            Happy was here by morning. He needed to work things out with Clay and it was a long ride from Charming. My dad was taken into police custody, but there was a large axed cut in my door. I knew that before selling the house that I would have to get a new one. I was hoping that my dad would be placed in police custody for a while, but I knew at most that it would be only a couple of weeks.

By the middle of the night the police officers were gone, but the twins didn’t get to sleep until twelve thirty and I knew that they would sleep in well. I used duct tape to put over the cut on my door so that it was at least covered for now. It wouldn’t do much but it would work fine until we got a new door. I wasn’t looking forward to having to pay for a new one again.

I heard Happy’s bike early in the morning and I heard him come in, but after that I fell right back to sleep, exhausted myself. He had his own key to let himself in and I knew he wouldn’t do anything. He would sit and watch television at most, maybe read the paper. Hell he’d probably be bored, but he was silent. I think I heard him make his way to my bedroom just to make sure we were there and sleeping well before going back somewhere else in the house. I was asleep for another hour before I got off the bed carefully as to not wake the girls.

Making my way down the hall and into the shared living room and kitchen area, I saw him lounging on my couch, watching something on the television. I noticed that he had a beer pack on the coffee table and had one open that he was drinking. I also came to notice that someone had placed plastic wrap and special tape over the hole in my door.

After I came out of the hallway, he moved his head back to look at me. I gave him a small smile before walking to the other, smaller couch. He placed his beer down and I commented, “beer run?”

He shrugged, “I didn’t know how long you three would sleep in until. Stopped at a hardware store on the way to fix that covering better. That was a crappy duct-tape job.”

That made me smile a bit and I told him, “I’m not exactly a handyman, and it was twelve thirty in the morning.”

He nodded and we were both silent for a moment before he asked, “so I’m guessing that things calmed down after the police left?”

            I nodded, “yeah. They took him in, just questioned me about what he did this time. They didn’t make me go down to the station thankfully. I never would have gotten the girls to sleep until two if we did.”

            “How were they last night?”

            I sighed, “scared, but after they were sure that dad was gone, they calmed down and watched some cartoon on TV while I fixed up the door. By the time I got back in they were asleep.”

            He nodded and took another drink before placing it down again, “was it an axe?”

            “That hit the door? Yeah. Police came just in time,” I answered.

            “Fucking Christ,” Happy muttered. I knew he was pissed. Dad didn’t start trying this hard until he learned that Happy was in jail for a couple of months. I couldn’t go calling Happy for security. I was alone and was helpless for a hit. Even when he learned that Happy was out, he had grown more dominant since then, thought that he could get away with it.

            Boy was he wrong. Happy was angry enough about what happened the last time when he got out of jail. The fire in him was just growing. If the police hadn’t taken him into custody I knew that Happy would have paid our dear old Daddy a visit.

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