Untitled Part 4

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((so I decided that this story would take place in season 2, but I don't know if I can follow the SOA plot the entire way through because I can't remember much of the earlier seasons (and I'm not ready to rewatch SOA yet I need time to heal the pain of the series finale)))


            I drove over in my car to the address that Happy gave me. The girls were in the back seat, excited about meeting new people. They always loved to socialize, meet new people and talk to them. They also loved to be the center of attention and I anticipated that they would be here.

            Happy warned me that the guys were nice and that a few, mostly a guy named Tig, would make comments about me, but it was in general meant to be nothing. I was nervous though. I’ve never met Happy’s club family and I had a stereotyped way of thinking about who would be there and what they were like. I imagined a room full of Happys, they just looked different. But the act was the same. Kozik said that he wasn’t able to go, so it made me even more nervous that I wouldn’t know anyone there besides Happy and I couldn’t just follow him the entire time. I was secretly hoping that the girls would get tired early from all the excitement and I would be able to take them back to Happy’s place early.

            I saw a lot of bikes and a couple other cars parked out in front of the house and I assumed it was the place Happy talked about. I was getting there a bit later than normal, but Happy said that would be fine. I made a couple of salads for the occasion and Happy informed that to Gemma, ‘the Queen’ of the club, so that she wouldn’t go to the trouble of making any. I made a normal Ranch dressing salad and a potato one. Happy warned me not to make too much of it since the guys didn’t really have that stuff, so I made small amounts for each for me and my girls and anyone else who might want some.

            Parking on the road, I got out of my car and moved to help the girls out as well. I heard a door open and shut and I saw Happy come out, walking to us. Maria and Lucia got out and looked around excitedly. Marie pointed to a certain bike and said excitedly and proudly, “I see your bike, Uncle Happy!”

            He looked over at the bike she pointed at as I went to the trunk and opened it to get out the salads. I heard him answer her, “good job, Maria.” I heard the girls giggle and I moved out of the trunk and shut it as I held the two salads in arm and hand. Happy came over to me and took them. He could see that I was nervous and he chuckled, “you’ll be fine. Trust me the guys will love you.”

            I let out a nervous laugh and looked at the girls. Maria was wearing a white long sleeved t-shirt with a red skirt that went down to her knees while Lucia wore a black long sleeved shirt with a white skirt that had pink dots on it that was styled the same as her sister’s. I had clips in both of the girl’s hair to keep it out of their eyes. I wanted to make sure that they looked nice for the first impression.

            Happy told me to dress in something casual, so I went in something casual, but still nice. I wore my dark blue bootcut jeans and a loose black tanktop with a silver chain necklace and I curled my hair a bit so that it looked like it had natural waves…or at least more waves then it did normally.

            I took the girl’s hands and told them the rules again as we followed Happy to the door, “remember, don’t be rude, don’t run around the house. Say please and thank you…”

            I wanted to keep going but Happy shook his head, “you worry too much, Nat.”

            Going near the door, I then saw a woman standing at a barbeque, flipping over some sausages. Happy called to her, “Gem?”

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