Chapter Three

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We were moving out on time. The girls didn’t like how they had to say goodbye to their friends, but I assured them that they would make new friends where we moved. Happy also told them about Abel, Jax’s son, and they seemed to like that there would be potential friends around them. It helped them to get out and help to pack their things and get excited about moving, especially since they were also going to be seeing a lot more of their Uncle Happy.

Hap wanted to start moving at the crack of dawn. He slept over on the couch and that night he helped me pack up most of our things into a truck that he managed to borrow from TM. We decided to leave our furniture until I actually got a house or apartment so I knew that we would have to pick that up later. But I knew that it would be fine. We didn’t need it anyway. And we had no place to store it in Charming anyway. It was better to leave it here.

Happy had one of his friends, Kozik come over to help us. He would be driving the truck with most of my things while Happy would be driving my car with me and the girls in it. I’ve met Kozik dozens of times. I liked him. He was entertaining to say the least, he was funny and charming and was always nice to the girls and I. Him and Happy were pretty close, which said something since most of the Sons, or at least from what Happy has told me, don’t know anything about me. He says that it is easier to keep it that way in case someone wants to get to us to try and hurt him or the club. I knew that he wouldn’t be able to live with himself had something happen to little and innocent Maria and Lucia.

We made it out at seven. We had a quick cereal breakfast and then packed up the very last of our things, put them in our car, and we drove off. I was still tired. All week I was tired from packing up everything, making plans with a real estate agent, getting the girls ready and excited. We only made it half and hour before the girls fell asleep in the back. I knew Happy hated driving my car, but he said that he would feel better driving than sitting in the passenger seat. He told me when we got in, “dammit Natalia I’ve forgotten how small this damn car is.” I  giggled at that, but he liked driving either way so I let him.

Plus it gave me some extra time to sleep on the trip over to Charming.

We got there in good time. Although Happy can be a scary driver when he wants to be. He is fast, and in my car, I knew he wanted out of it and he also wanted us in Charming. Dad was getting out tomorrow and Happy didn’t want me or the girls to be anywhere near the house in case dad decided to pay us a visit. When we were almost there, I looked back at the girls, getting them excited. They only seen Charming once and that was two years ago when Happy asked for his birthday if we could come over.

That year, at least close to his birthday, I knew that something had happened. Happy doesn’t just ask for things like that. He had his pride over his emotions. He always had that and it only grew when he got into the club. It came naturally to him now, but he lets down his barriers once in a while to me and the twins, and that’s when I know that something really did hit hard. We were his support and he needed us. I still don’t know what it was that really hit him to ask us to come over, but I knew that he wouldn’t have asked unless he really needed it. We drove up for the weekend and us just being there was what he needed. There was an improvement in his mood and eyes from the Friday afternoon to the Sunday night. Happy was always there when I needed him and although he never asked for it much, I was always there for him.

Kozik parked on the street in front of the house while Happy went into the driveway. The girls were itching to get out, so Happy and I allowed them to undo their seatbelts and get out of their seats and out of the car. I watched them get out and run around the grass in front of the house with a smile on their face. I looked at Happy and told him, “thanks for this. You really didn’t have to.”

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