part 1

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A/N this is my first story so i hope you enjoy it  tords father uniform in the photo
please read the info for the story and one last thing I do not own eddsworld I just own the story

Tord's pov:
Tord's childhood:
age 12

"papa i am done tranning."
"really that was way qicker than normal, we might have to start you on a harder level next time."
"really thats great" tord yelled.

the next morning I got up and got dressed in a white t shrit and a red vest and blue jeans and whent down stairs. My father was reading the news paper and drinking coffee. My mom was making breakfast while humming I sat down next to father. "your teacher said that you are doing well in school."
"Well yeah it's quite easy." mother put out the beakfast and sat down and we ate as a family. After breakfast mom drove me to school.
"I love you sweetheart have agood day."
" love you to mom," when I got to school I just sat down and stared off into speace. I went through the day like iI would any other. when school ended I went outside and waited. "hmm thats weird mom normally would be here by now eeh I'll just walk."

when I got home I was alone no one was here "maybe they got stuck at work again."
I walked up stairs to put my bag away. i saw a man wearing a green and purple army coat. my father was still in his uniform, and he was crying. my father dosen't cry. I looked down, my mothers lifeless body was in my dads arms her brown eyes open. she was shot in her chest and blood was all over her. I looked back up at my fathers face, and It was like his will to live, drained from his face. my dad looked up and when he did the man shot him in the head. his body fell limp and blood flowed into a puddle over My mother. The man then pointed the gun at me. I was still at the doorway he tried to shoot me but before he could I tried to take the gun but I just moved it. The shot missed he aimed at me again, but we heard a pair of boots coming up the stairs. thats when the man spoke "I guess I will have to kill you later boy."
I stared daggers at the man. "Not if i kill you first rebel scum."he said with poisin dripping from each word

3rd pov:

the mans eyes widen not because he scared of the boy, but his eyes were a blood red and They were just grey( neather is normal ). He shot the window and jumped out, paul and pat entered. When they saw both of Tords parents dead and how much hatred were in his eyes.
"Tord are you ok" pat asked. Tord raised his head and the words that came out should not have been said by a 12 year old. "I will kill that man Nothing will get in my way... nothing." he speoke with hate filled words. 

*Time skip a week after the funeral*

Pat looked at his husband Paul. "red leader said if anyhing happend that we were the ones to lead the army until tord is ready. now that the rebels know whare Tord is we should get out of Norway."
paul thought for a second befor responding. "we should proably go to London red leader has a safe house there."
pat noded. "while that happens the army should stay low for a while. If push comes to shove we can always come back and ship Tord some where and have a solider raise him there."
They agreed that was the best plan and went to talk to Tord, Pat spoke first. "Tord we are going to move to England."
Tord thought that was werid like why England. "When are we moving." Tord stood to look up at them.
"well Tord as fast as you can pack and we will help you"
Tord interuped pat "no it is fine."
He got done packing. they could tell that there was no chance of Tord having sympathy towards the enemy. That was the first step next was extreme training for the rest of his life.


Tord woke up from the nightmare 3rd time this week. he got up and got ready and sighed. he had just moved to a new highschool.

First chapter done  hoped you like it. and btw  I will update really slow with school and every thing any way good bye 

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