7. Two years

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A year passed and the little girl learned some hard lessons.

Like how hot the lightning could burn, how bad it hurt to break your arm, how to fight with her other arm, how to free herself from dangerous situations and how to hold herself.

Not all her lessons had been bad of course, she was now able to read and write in the Sith language, her arm healed and she was now ambidextrous, she had learned the -name- of Sully, which was JL-y42 and also found out where troopers sometimes hung out.

Azam had grown a little and had to move her mirror upwards, it had been replaced twice now...

Her body was loosing some of the childish fat and getting more toned from all the training.

Her face was sinking a little and she was pale, her golden warm skin from Jakku was gone.

She had cried, gotten angry and celebrated her victories many times.

More and more a sense of loyalty grew inside her despite the way her grandfather treated her.

And in return... Palpatine would punish her less, or show her a new book, or tease about telling her of her parents. But those things happened once in a blue moon, or Palpatine would lose control over her, if he showed her more kindness.

The throne was almost done and his final order grew more and more each day.

At night she had dreams about that throne, always lookign at it from behind, never truly seeing who was sitting on it and sometimes, during trainings, Palpatine would push her to go harder, and be more alert, or she would never reach the throne.

Another year passed and Azam had now broken more parts of her body, she stayed in rest for a long time when she broke her ribs and even she had to admit that she got exasperated from doing nothing.

More manipulation from Palpatine and the encouragement of his not very nice words made Azam go back to training even stronger than before.

She had now named JL-y42, Jilyn and talked more with her since she treated her broken bones.

Her master had officially presented the throne to everyone now and let them now that one day, when Azam was ready, she would take it.

Azam still wondered about the other thing that Palpatine had his workers building all day.

This year she had seen a Sith Ethernal from up close for the first time and it wasn't as scary as she thought, they wore black gowns with a hood on, like shadows blending with the background from head to toe, their eyes were foggy or sometimes completely black and their skin... Azam tought that their skin looked like old, dusty paper, or the cinders of burned pages.

She had dreams of a green lightsaber shining bright before her face and her making the Dagobah cave blow into a million pieces. Those were nightmares more than anything.

She was now twelve years old, a few years too young for her master to show her another very important weapon of the Sith, but one that she'll learn soon.

First Order ship

"Don't you dare go against me and change course now!" Kylo said to one of the admirals.

"Sir... Supreme Leader S-"

"I am here on his behalf, now. Move!" Kylo slammed the admiral against the floor before leaving the room and going to his to check on his notes again.

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