Humble Apologies

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Remember that text in bold = spoiler. Minor, but a Wano manga story spoiler none the less. 

Anyways, enjoy~

The commanders stared at the young boy laying on the bloody bed with pained expressions. Ace and Sabo were sobbing into the mattress. Luffy might die. He'd lost a lot of blood. It was spread throughout the ship. His shirt was torn open to show the wound that was stitched up, and burned badly. Whiskey had explained what she'd done in a guilty voice, though it was the only thing she could think of.

There was the black and thick oil leaking out of the wound, but it wasn't blood and wasn't leaving completely. It just leaked out and then was sucked back in, like it was going along with Luffy's ragged breaths. He had an oxygen mask on, covering a lot of his face considering they weren't sized for children. Children weren't on this ship usually.

When Whitebeard entered, the commanders turned to him to see a grave expression on his face. "How is he?" the captain asked in a quiet voice, not wanting to disturb Luffy's sleep. The only ones being loud were the other children, crying uncontrollably. Ace's shoulders were on fire, but didn't spread anywhere else.

"He's in critical condition," Whiskey replied immediately. "He might not make it through the night. If he does, then I believe he has a good chance at surviving. We need his powers to kick in and heal him, but he's lost a lot of blood." Another sob wracked out of the twelve year olds' bodies.

"At least he got Teach back," Thatch said, unable to help having wet eyes, though he would be strong for the boys and not cry. Haruta was having the same issue. "He's destroyed his legs. Teach will never walk again."

Whitebeard sighed. "About that... we must have a meeting, sons. One of you may stay with the boys," he said in a soft voice. It didn't betray the world of hurt he was feeling. Thatch offered to stay, predictably, and walked to the boys, putting his hand on both of their heads. He knelt behind them, and Ace's flames dimmed when Thatch gathered both of them into hugs.

Marco was reluctant to leave, but he needed to know the situation. "I will calm our brothers and not let them know what happened," Fossa offered. All of the commanders were in the infirmary, and even Kingdew looked sad. Not as much as some of the others, but he never wanted Luffy killed. Just not on this ship.

The thirteen commanders, minus Thatch and Fossa, headed to the meeting room, all silent except for a sniffling Haruta. None of them could get the sight of Luffy's small and bloody body out of their heads. None of the nurses cleaned him anywhere other than the wound since they didn't want to move him and risk opening up the stitches.

Everyone felt heavy as they sat on in their chairs, Haruta laying his upper body on the table and hiding his face in his arms. Marco was feeling devastated, too, but was being strong for his brothers and not showing it. He'd never forgive himself if Luffy died. He was the one who took the boys onto their ship, after all.

Whitebeard took a few moments of silence, before he said, "Teach has commited more than the attempted murder of young Luffy. I asked him why he had done such a thing, and he explained to me, in what I believe was honest." He took a deep breath and released it as a sigh, bringing his big hands together on the table. "He told me he was never part of our family, and he killed Luffy because he has eaten the devil fruit Teach has apparently been looking for for decades. Since he joined this crew.

"He also confessed to not batting an eye at killing myself or any of you. He hinted that that was the reason he wanted the dark-dark fruit in the first place. Calm, my sons. We need to think rationally. There will be time to make Teach pay later."

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