Pain and Suffering For All

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"Why is Marco doing the physical therapy now?" Sabo wondered. Luffy stayed quiet, not having told them about anything that happened the night before while they were sleeping. "I mean, I'm not upset by it, cause Marco is smart, but I wonder why now?" Ace shrugged and Luffy stayed silent, not wanting to lie to his brothers.

He was in the wheelchair, even though it was a small distance from his area and the physical therapy room. Marco was wearing something different than usual that day, when Luffy was inside the room, both doors closed so no one else saw them. Marco had only told Whiskey he had a good idea he wanted to try, and she trusted him.

Marco didn't help Luffy get to the bars from the wheelchair. He wanted Luffy to feel in control, and wouldn't like being carried the four feet it took to get to the bars. "Ready?" Luffy nodded. He covered his legs in the stick, like mud or thick oil being excreted from his skin. It soon covered his legs, from his upper thigh and down.

"Why don't you make some braces for your upper body to catch you?" Marco suggested. Luffy was wearing shorts and a tank top, not a gown anymore. He shot the stick out of the area under his armpits and onto the bar, frowning in concentration as he hardened that part. It was hard to focus on everything: standing upright, keeping his legs still liquidy and having the upper parts of him hard. It was easy doing these things while fighting, but that was him moving naturally and not having to think about it. He look a deep breath and put on a determined expression, eyebrows crinkled.

"Feel the soles of your feet harden," Marco said slowly, focused. Luffy knew he was going to try to help him, even if Luffy wished he could do it by himself. Luffy nodded and did so. "Keep the front and back sticky, but not the bottom of where your feet are. Then, if you tumble forwards, the stick will keep you in place." The boy nodded again and did his best to.

Any other time, Luffy should have been able to do this easily. Now, he was unsure and his powers were showing it. Just like they reacted to his nightmares, they were reacting to his uncertainty. But, he was determined to make any progress. He wanted to walk again. No more wheelchair!

The sick seeped out of his toes and heels, grounding him. Marco didn't need to tell him what to do next, Luffy did it. The stick around his knees was hardened so they couldn't bend or buckle under him. It wasn't going to work to walk very well, but it would keep him from falling. He took the first, jerky step forward, then a second. The stick from his chest slid along the bars as he went.

Marco didn't say anything the whole time, though he watched Luffy like a hawk, ready to help if needed. Luffy appreciated that he was doing what Luffy had wanted. Letting him do it himself, but being there to make it seem like he was coaching. Thank goodness there was no window in the doors that anyone could see them in.

The stick on Luffy's feet became more easy to control the more confident Luffy became in his powers. He'd learned by himself before, he could do it again. Soon, he was walking more smoothly, though nowhere near natural looking. The moment he tried to lessen the hardness of the stick around his knees, he buckled and fell. Marco was there in a flash, catching him.

Luffy smiled for the first time in over a week. Progress! Small, but there nonetheless. He didn't wish to work on his arms. He wanted to focus on his legs, but Marco heavily suggested he do something for his arms. Luffy thought for a moment, trying to figure out something to do. What could his stick do to help the strength of his arms and shoulders. He looked up at the ceiling, which wasn't too high. He sat down on the wheelchair, unable to stand for more than a couple seconds without the help of the stick. Marco stayed at the wall, watching carefully.

Luffy needed to use the stick without using his hands to direct it. But, he didn't have any force to stick the substance on the ceiling. He tried, but it didn't work, there was no momentum to get it up there. He didn't want to ask for Marco's help, but did in the end. He'd still come up with the idea by himself, Marco would just help him with it.

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