The Watchers - Chapter One

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The ghostly white moon was shining down upon the eerie cemetery, casting a dark cloud of shadows amongst the rows of tombstones. A vast open space surrounded by the dead and abandoned by society welcomed Isabel breath by breath. The sound of rustling leaves caused by the chilled wind made her muscles tense with fear. Her Hazel eyes widened as she heard the rusty hinges of a gate being opened behind her.

"How did I get here?" She wondered out loud as she studied her surroundings. She didn't know if she should run away as the fear chocking her begged or stay to see of someone could help her return to the safety of her home and the comfort of her bed where she last remembered being. Isabel looked down towards her clothes and noticed she was wearing a pink and black polka dotted sleep pants, a thin black tank top, and an pair of worn down flip flops.

The coldness of the autumn night whispered a crossed her almond tinted skin, sending her body into small spasms. All she wanted in that moment was to be back home.

"Hello?" She shouted, her teeth clicking together behind her chapped lips. "Is anybody there?"

Isabel tucked a long silky strained of her auburn hair behind her ear as she listened for footsteps or any sound that would identify a living being. Without any warning, the deafening silence was suddenly pierced with the sound of her name echoing against the city of stones.

Isabel's stomach twisted into a tight knot and felt as if her heart jumped into the middle throat. She was not alone after all.

"Isabel." The voice whispered again, sending Isabel into a sprint towards the path ahead of her. Her lungs burned as she took in sharp breaths of the chilled air along with her leg muscles as she begged them to move faster. She ran deeper into the cometary and watched as it transformed into a completely different place. The once well kept cometary turned into a neglected one.

The smell of moss and decaying leaves overwhelmed her scenes. She stopped in her tracks and looked all around her, hoping she could recognize where her fear had taken her to. The tombstones around her were toppled over, broken, and covered in moss and vines. There were overgrown tree with large roots knocking over tombs that stood in the way of their path.

Isabel looked behind her and watched as a silent fog began to spread across the earth. It hung around the stones of the dead like a heavy and suffocating blanket, as if it were ready to cast a relentless misery on all who passed through it.
Isabel's heart pounded against her chest as anxiety took over her.

How did she get here? The last thing she could remember was going to bed and now she stood in the middle of a cemetery, a very creepy and lonely cemetery. She could feel her hands start to shake beside her hips and she quickly hugged them around her small chest.

"I'm dreaming." She assured herself. "This is just a very bad nightmare. I should not had watched 'I Sell The Dead' with mom before I went to bed."

She rose her shaky hands and slapped her numb fingers across her cheeks.

"Wake up Isabel." She told herself and slapped herself repeatedly. "It is time to get yourself out of this place."

But nothing was happening. She remained in the cemetery that was now covered in an endless fog. The hairs on the back of Isabel's neck rose as the sound of a woman's scream pierced her ears. The sound was angry and full of hatred towards any on coming breath. Isabel closed her eyes and placed two fingers on her shoulder. She pushed down hard as she tried to pinch herself awake. But she was still cold, the hair on the back of her neck was still standing, and she could still hear the woman's screams.

Isabel's eyes shot open as she heard her name in a whisper. The sound was coming from in front of her. She had enough of this place. She quickly turned and ran further into the eerie cemetery. The woman's screams grew louder as she ran. Before she even realized it, she had followed the screams which lead her to a crumbling old chapel. It's once white walls were caving in and it's glass windows were all broken.

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