The Watchers - Chapter Four

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A breeze of the cool autumn air swam through my long golden brown strains, causing goose bumps to make their way onto my skin's surface. The sky was a dark grey color, rain clouds blocking out any sunlight. I raised my face towards the dome like sky and closed my eyes, allowing the softness of rain drops to kiss my skin. The heavens wept a silent down pour amongst the mournful souls that gathered around Isabel's burial.

I turned my attention towards the people that surrounded me; each face flowing with tears. The grief in the air hung likes a thick wool blanket, draped over us all. But instead of feeling warm, all I felt was an utterly coldness. There were no smiles from the remembrance of Isabel. The only thing we were left with were memories that were locked away in our minds. I took in a deep breath as I tried to control the quiver in my lip.

I looked towards the preacher and studied his moving lips, but it was as if I became deaf and couldn't hear the words he was saying. Time felt as if it were standing still. I wished this was nothing more than a horrible nightmare and I wanted to escape it, waking up to see my twin sister alive and smiling towards me. But had my previous nightmares been true? Had I really seen Isabel's death through her own eyes in my dream? Was that even possible?

I wanted out of this darkness that was my new life, a new life without my own sister. No, that couldn't even be labeled as a life; I couldn't believe anything that was going on. She couldn't be gone. Suddenly a rush ran through my body. I felt my legs running... but to where? What did I plan on to do exactly? But I gave into my sorrows, my questions, and my fears as I ran towards Isabel's closed casket.

"Abigail!" I heard my mother cry from behind me.

Ignoring her concern cry and the stares from the people around me, I jumped onto Isabel's casket and wrapped my hand around the handle. I tried with all my might to jerk it open, but the lid wouldn't budge.

"She's not dead!" I screamed towards the crowd of wide eyed people.

"Abigail, honey calm down." My uncle Kevin whispered into my ear as he grabbed me by the arm.

"She can't be dead." I choked. My entire body started to shake uncontrollably as loud whimpering sounds escaped from my lips. I studied the faces that stared towards me, people I used to know as my family and friends but they all looked like strangers on this day. Kevin walked me towards my mother who took me into her arms.

"Oh baby." She cried into my hair.

As the funeral was over and people began to say their good bye, the image of Isabel's coffin being lowered into the cold, hard earth replayed itself over and over again in my mind. I couldn't shake the image away, which was until I noticed someone who caught my eye. Christian Putnam, Isabel's ex boyfriend and the boy from my dream, was leaning against a tree off in the distance. I wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone, but I found myself walking towards him.

"Abby!" A familiar voice rang from my right. I turned to see Zylar Wilson making her way towards me. She wore a tight fitted silk black dress that looked stunning with her long wavy red hair, pale ivory skin tone and big grey eyes. She was my best friend of 13 years and the one person I wanted to see. I ran towards Zylar and wrapped my shaky arms around her skinny body. "Hey girl." She whispered as she squeezed me tightly. "Are you ok?"

I nodded my head but the words I wanted to say were trapped inside my throat. Zylar took my cheeks into her hands and held my face out towards hers. Her flawless face glistened with fresh shed tears as her eyes danced with mine.

"I'm so sorry. I couldn't even image how you must feel right now, making it even harder to know what to say to you." She began, planting a small smile on her face but I noticed her bottom lip quivering.

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