The Watchers - Chapter Three

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My eyes shot open before my mind had gone into the darkness. My breathing was heavy and beads of sweat were running down my face, hands, and back. I raised my body from what felt like my bed, but was I in my bed? The sheets were stuck against my back and I swatted them off. Looking around towards my surroundings wide eyed, I saw nothing but pitch black all around me. Was I in my room? Was it all just a nightmare?

I placed my sweaty palms against my cheeks and tried to make sure I was real. Then my hands felt around beside me. I was defiantly in a bed. My heart was pounding in my throat as panic washed over me. Placing my feet against the cold floor, I slowly walked towards the place where my door should be. Sure enough, it was there. A feeling of relief overcame the feeling of panic. I felt around for the light switch and quickly shut my eyes as the bright light burned my retinas.

"What the hell?" a muzzled voice called out from the other side of my dorm room.

A pile of mangled up black hair rose from a pink and purple striped comforter. Lisa, my roommate, turned her green squinted eyes towards mine and let out a loud and very irritated groan. "I'm sorry; I didn't mean to wake you." I said quickly and flipped the light switch downwards.

I could hear Lisa fumble around against her nightstand and suddenly the darkness was filtered with a small amount of light coming from her cell phone. "Its 3:34 am Abigail, what are you doing up?" She questioned. "I... uh... I have to use the restroom." I replied. I felt around for the door once more and walked out into the long hallway of brown wooden doors, each decorated differently. "3:34 in the morning?" I mouthed quietly as I made my way towards the hall's bathroom.

It had to be a dream. I was back in my dorm room miles away from that cemetery. I rubbed against the side of my stomach where the pocket knife had penetrated against my skin in the dream. It had felt so real, too real. I felt the knife, the pain, and the blood from it all. Can you normally feel pain in dreams? The questions spun around inside my mind as I pushed open a stall and locked the door behind me.

Why would Christian be in my dream, my sister's ex-boyfriend? And why would I dream of someone trying to kill me? I exhaled loudly as I slid down my silky pajama pants and sat against the cold toilet. It must be my subconscious; from my constant worry over the exam I had in as little as five hours. Suddenly, my stomach tightened as the pricing pain inside my stomach returned, causing a small scream to escape from my lips. I quickly pulled my pajama pants over my waste and tried to open the stalk door, but the sound of the bathroom door creaking open surprised me.

I stood behind the stalk door, listening for footsteps but all I heard was silence. My heart was beating steadily but it seemed to reverberate through the walls that were covered in a light pink colored paint. The sound of heels scraping against the granite tile echoed against the bathroom walls suddenly. I peeked through the crack of the stall door and caught a glimpse of the woman who entered the bathroom. She walked towards the sinks, with her long curly brown hair swinging down towards the middle of her back.

She was wearing a short black dress and a half cut leather jacket wrapped around her. Her skin was pale as I looked towards her legs and then at her heels. They were also black but something was creating tracks behind her after each step she took. My eyes squinted as I looked towards the puddles but unexpectedly, pain found its way into my stomach once more, this time causing my body to collapse to the floor. I groaned and screamed with anguish as my face smacked against the door and the pain sinking its way into my stomach.

With all my strength, I writhed from under the stall door and towards the woman who had her back turned towards me. My eyes began to water with the sheer pain and my breathing came out in sharp, shallow rasps. "H-help" I croaked towards the woman, the desperate tone made my words almost inaudible. I clutched tightly against my stomach and took in another sharp breath of air. What was happening to me? Was I actually stabbed? I looked down towards my stomach and was taken away when I saw nothing, just my plain white tank top.

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