The Watchers - Chapter Two

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Isabel's ankle cracked as her weighted twisted against isn't bones. She winced in pain and pushed herself away from the cold dusty floor of the old chapel. Above her stood the handsome man. His eyes shined wildly into hers.

A pattering sound echoed behind her. Isabel turned around quickly to see Christian crawling towards her. Her heart was beating raucously against her ribs and she was sure he could hear it as he wrapped her into his arms.

"Look, I will swear this oath you are talking about. As long as you let Isabel leave. She can not be a part of whatever this freak show is." Christian looked at the handsome man through his eyelashes and his tone was threatening. If it weren't for the tremble of his arms, Isabel would of thought he wasn't afraid.

"I'm sorry Christian but that is not how this is going to work. Either you both swear the oath or you both die." The handsome man's voice showed no pity. He bent down and wrapped his arms around Isabel's neck. Christian tried to fight him away from her but the handsome man was too strong.

"Let her go you bastard!" He shouted and reached out towards them. Isabel's eyes widened in surprised when she saw how fast Henry moved towards Christian. His speed was inhumanly and with the blink of an eye, he had Christian penned against a decaying wall.

Isabel blinked away tears. She could taste the terror that was growing inside her. "What are you?" She muttered through gritting teeth.

"We are your worst nightmare beautiful." The handsome man traced the bottom of her jaw with his cold finger. "Now unless you want to upset us any further, let's get this oath sworn and over with.

Christian's ocean blue eyes landed onto Isabel's. She wished she could hear his thoughts. She wanted him to tell her that everything was going to be ok like he always did. It was the one thing that she loved most about him. Christian always was there for her and she felt safe with him around.

"Once you complete the oath you will receive your gift." Henry spat.

Christian's face contorted and he blinked. "Dude, ever hear of a tic-tac?"

"The gift." The handsome man smiled. "Is the gift of life. Immortality that is. You will go on with the rest of your days and live young forever. Who wouldn't want that?"

"Me." Isabel protected and frowned towards the handsome man.

"Well you don't really have a choice in the matter. Not if you don't want Christian to die. If you will not take the oath for yourself then take it for each other."

Christian shoved against Henry's grip. "And what kind of oath allows us to live as immortals?"

The handsome man stayed silent for a long moment and then grinned at Christian. "The oath of athanasia. Endless life. All you must do is swear your soul to us and immortality is yours."

"Our soul?" Christian puzzled and Isabel watched the color drain from his face.

"Our soul is what gives us internal life."

The handsome man whipped his face towards Isabel. He tightened his grip around her throat and smirked as she fought for air. His quite expression was ruinous and caused Isabel's muscles to go still.

"Swear the oath!" He yelled and reached into his back pocket and pulled out a knife.

Isabel closed her eyes and began to pray. "Dear Heavenly Father..."

"Praying won't help you here!" The handsome man tightened his grip around Isabel's throat and pushed her against the wall. Her feet kicked against the wall as she panicked.

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