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"Wakey Wakey it's the first day of our last year of high school" Trina barged in the room

"Dang. I really don't miss waking up this early " I mumbled

"We leaving in an hour. Tammy already left to go help set up for the incoming fresh meats"

I got up and headed to the bathroom. I showered and brushed my teeth Then went and laid down for a few minutes more. I accidentally fell right back asleep and napped for 30mins. When I realized that I jumped out the bed.

I had already showered so I just applied lotion, deodorant and got dressed. My outfit was a pair of lightly distressed dark skinny jeans.. a red plaid long sleeved button up and some brown spiked loafers and my brown school bag.

I went into the bathroom and washed my face and brushed again. My hair had already air dried so it was in it's natural curly state and I just left it.

I went to do my makeup. I love doing makeup but since its my first day I decided on just concealer, bronzer, blush and some mascara and a red lip.

When I was done I headed downstairs

"Where's everyone else?" I asked

"Mom is on her way back now from working a overnight shift. And dad is still sleeping I believe"

My phone vibrated and it was a text from aunt Traci.

Auntie T: I know I'm probably gonna miss seeing you guys off for the first day of school but I wanted to tell you guys to be careful and BEHAVE. (Trina) and for you to have a good day and Don't let nobody mess with you. Make your mark hunti . I love you

I read aloud laughing and sent her a quick reply.

"What she mean behave. Please I'm always A1 until a trick needs to be checked" Trina said

We ate and then headed to school. While in the parking lot. I Just admire the school building. There was people everywhere.

"Are you ready?" Trina asked applying lip gloss. I just nodded my head and we headed into the big building . As soon as I walked in people were staring at me and some said Hi to Trina . We went to pick up our schedules since none of us went to orientation. We spotted Tammy and went over to her.

"This early and you already look irritated " Trina spoke

Tammy rolled her eyes. "These freshmans just working my nerves that's all. Not even 8 and I've been hit on at least 10times and been given the stank eye from half the girls who've come thru that door." She explained

"Don't sweat it. That's how it's always been and that's how it will probably always be. Every incoming class thinks they running things. Give it time they'll settle in and realize their little guppies in this big ocean" Trina laughed

"I believe this is faith " we all turned around to the person speaking and it was Kevin with the rest of the boys from the mall behind him.

"Ashante mademoizile" He says as he tried to grab my hand to kiss it again but fab slapped him in the back of the head.

"You better stop all that before she gotta go get stitches from your crusty ass lips" fab says

Kevin pulled fab aside to tell him something but considering that he can't whisper we all heard him

"Imma need you to stop playing me. You supposed to be my wingman so do your job. I need to wife this one. Even though she taller than me that's the whole challenge. I love to climb things man you know this."

"Alright Bruh my bad I got you. its 'enchante mademoiselle kev . But you really think she feeling you?" Fab asked

"Do I. . .*Scoffs* . . .Do I think she feeling me? Fab look at all this chocolatey goodness. Of course she feeling me what you thought this was?"

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