Ex's and O's

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Last summer......

Tammy (picture is her)

"Trina would u hurry up before were late" I yelled up the stairs

We were headed to a party that some boy Tammy met at the mall invited us too. I'm not one for party's. I'd much prefer to stay home and watch scandal but since Trina begged me to come I gave in.

she finally came down on her black and white midi bodicon skirt and black crop top with black flats. Her long black hair was in wand curls and face beat with a red lip.

"Took you long enough, you look good" I said

"You don't look bad yourself sissy"

I was wearing a white, black and red jersey type midi dress and red flats that matched my sister. my black hair was straight in a middle and I had a little bit of makeup on with a nude lip.

we headed to the party in Trinas Lexus and from the end of the block you saw nothing but I cars.

"Ugh" I groaned

"Stop complaining. I brought you here so we can have fun maybe you'll find a boo thang tonight. come on let's go "

we started walking towards the party and there was people everywhere. Trina called someone and a couple of minutes later a tall fine dread head walked up to us.

" I'm glad u could make it. you look good ma" he says hugging her

"I know" she smirked "This is my sister Tammy, and T this is Fabian"

I was expecting a simple nod but he actually came over and hugged me too

"Nice to meet you, thank y'all for blessing my party tonight cuz y'all killing the game"

He led inside and it was a huge house aside from the fact that it was filled with people everywhere. we entered this room and was a few people sitting down talking and few boys with girls on their laps Damn near naked.

"Yo. this my girl Trina and her sister Tammy." Fabian spoke and everyone said Hi to Us

"Imma go make sure everything is straight and get some drinks" fab says walking out

Me and Trina were left sitting on a couch. I began feeling kind of uncomfortable as I made eye Concact with a dark skinned boy that had been looking at me and licking his lips. He guess you could call it "checking me out" but it was just awkward.

He began walking over to us.

"hey pretty lady. how you doing ?"

"I'm fine thank you and yourself"

"I was good until I realized that heaven was missing 2 angels." he flirted looking at me and Trina "I'm Kevin by the way

He stayed awhile with us flirting and making jokes which actually made us a little more comfortable. He was a chill dude.

Fab came back in the room with a fair tone tall boy and a pretty dark toned girl. 

"Sorry I took so long.  I see y'all met kev "

"yeah he kept us entertained " Trina replies laughing

we all chuckled because I'm guessing they already knew how he was.

"This my boy Marcus and my little sister Tatiana " fab spoke

"it's good to meet the girl fab as been talking about non stop" Tatiana said

both Fab and Trina started blushing real hard. I smiled because they seemed to really like each other. I'm happy for my sister.

"Aight lil bit ain't no body need to know all that " fab said mushing her "T let's go dance" he said grabbing her hand.

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