Chapter 1

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Courtney's P.o.v -

What Jimmy had said hadn't even mattered now at this point.

I was beyond angry and upset.

But I was now pushing past people trying to make my way out of Levi stadium.

"Court where are you going!??" he slurred as I continued wonder the dark parking lot.

I hadn't even realized had been following me the whole entire time.

"Just leave me alone Jimmy!!!" I screamed trying to find his car.

He was beyond drunk at this point.

All I wanted to was to get away from him.

To get away from everything.

"Court stop!" he shouted yanking me back angrily by my arm.

His grip around me only tightened as I tried to break away from him.

It was no use he was too strong.

He was crushing my bones by the second, I didn't even think he realized it.

He had been too drunk to even justify his ongoing actions.

"Jimmy you're hurting me!!" I shouted looking into his glossy eyes.

He was looking me in away I hadn't seen before.

"James I said stop!!!" I begged making his grip around my arm loosing slightly.

"I don't want to fight or argue with you!!"  I cried trying my best to hold my tears in.

A fight with Jimmy always turned into something more. We had always ended up hurting one another badly by the end of it.

Someone was always left feeling a little empty.

"Go! go a head go! leave me! That's all know how to do! I don't even care anymore" he hissed now letting me go.

He had always used this against me. I left him once and he always threw it in my face.

Because you don't leave a person you love when times when times get hard.

And I left him.

He always made me feel wrong for choosing me.

"We were fucking kids still Jimmy, I had to do what was best for me and you!! I did it for you too dammit!!" I screamed now pushing him continuously.

"Oh whatever Court that's always the same answer from you! exact same excuse!" he argued on grabbing me so that I'd finally stopped hitting him.

"Fuck you!" I spat as he held me closer to my body.

"Oh now its fuck me!!?" he questioned causing me to now start crying.

He had now had me pinned up against his BMW.

Both of his hands holding me down onto the cold hard metal.

"Yes! Fuck YOU" I spat as the the familiar voice cut me off.

"Jimmy leave her alone man" he threatened causing Jimmy to scoff.

"Or what Bosa!" he hissed back causing Nick to make his way closer to were we stood

"Stop being stupid man, just let her go home!!" Nick argued.

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