Chapter 2

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Courtney's P.o.v -

"How's Jimmy doing?" Annika questioned taking her spot next to me near the closed off section on the field of Levi Stadium.

"He's doing okay, maybe it's nerves or something" I answered quickly watching him make a pass to Deebo.

"Where's Derek??" I asked seeing that she had walked up alone.

"He went to get us some drinks" she stated quickly.

Me and my little brothers girlfriend had gotten along just well.

But her relationship with Derek on the other hand was extremely rocky. It had been even worse then mine and Jimmy's.

That was only because once liquor was involved one of us suddenly got brave.

Me and Jimmy did our best to try and fix things and still constantly are but them on the hand, god they were a mess.

"How are things?" I interrogated watching her tense up slightly.

"They're okay" she mumbled grabbing at her arm.

"What happened this time?" I sighed watching her eyes soften.

"It was over and Instagram post and I don't know Derek just lost it and I -" she explain and I had watched as the tears were at the brim of her eyes.

I grabbed at her wrist causing her wince loudly.

I pulled up her sleeve revealing the bruised hand marks.

"Annika you can't - " I went on before she cut me off.

"He'd just grabbed me because I tried leaving, and I didn't want to talk it out and you know how he is" she cried trying her best to defend my little brothers abusive actions.

Here I was trying to convince this girl to leave my brother and their toxic relationship when I couldn't even get out of my own.

But unlike me she has a chance. I was once like her, I had seen the world so beautiful and brightly.

He just like Jimmy did to me had been taking that from her.

I seen myself in her.

"Court, he loves me and I love him and sometimes he does things with the right intentions but they don't always come out the way he wants them too" she explained.

- flash back -

"Courtney what the fuck is this!?" he questioned slamming the bedroom door behind him

"Baby what are you talking about?" I asked continuing to dry my hair with the towel.

"Don't baby me ! I said what the fuck is this!!!?" he shouted on yanking me by arm so that I was now facing him.

There he held the paper with the random name and number scribbled onto it.

He had gone through my backpack and books again.

"Some kid from my class gave it to me J, I don't know him and I didn't intend to get to know him! I took it to be nice -" I tried to explain as he pushed me up against the wall causing me to stop my sentence.

"That's why it was shoved hidden in your fucking book right!!" he spat getting closer to my face.

I had now been crying. His aggressive actions scared me and caught me completely off guard.

𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐁𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐎𝐟 𝐌𝐞 || 𝐉𝐢𝐦𝐦𝐲 𝐆. ♡⋆.ೃ࿔*Where stories live. Discover now