2 - Monsters

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"Take a pain killer," Carla says from her bed. 

"I probably should." I groan as the thumping in my head increases. "What do you wanna do today? Our last day before classes."

"I kinda wanna hang out with Jake and E." She says. "Do you? E gives me that 'protective brother' vibe."

"I get that too." I laugh. "We should go to their room since we aren't doing anything." We both get up and try to find their room. Finally, we find a door with 'Ethan and Jake' written on it. Carla knocks and soon after the door swings open. 

A shirtless Ethan is revealed. Woah, his whole body is covered in tattoos. 

There's me exaggerating.

25% of his torso was covered in tattoos. 

"Hi?" He says confused as he lets us in. His room looked just like ours, just less decorated. "Alright, just shut up I'm in the middle of a game." He says as he closes the door and rushes back in front of his TV where he was playing some shooting game. I plopped down on his bed as I watched him play the game. It seemed fun.

I hop off his bed and stand behind him.

"Hey, can I try?" I ask.

He pulls his headset off and looks at me. 

"Why not." He sighs as he gets up. He passes me the headset and the controller. "I assume you know how to play?" 

I shake my head making him laugh. 

"Okay, here." He says as he leans over my shoulder putting his hands over mine controlling my fingers. 

In almost no time, I get my first kill in. 

"What do you know, she can play." He says standing up walking over to his bed. "Are you guys doing anything today?"

"No, we actually came to hang out with you guys." Carla sighs. I'm too drawn into this game to even bother and respond.

"I have an idea, Jake is out right now, so when he comes back we'll go." He says.

"I won!" I yell as I jump up from the seat. "Wow, that is crazy," I say.

"You won the game?" He says as he looks at me confused. 

"I did, easy- peasy," I say taking the headset off and placing the controller beside the T.V. As soon as I stand up, Jake walks through the door. "Hey, Jake."

"Hey," He says back. "Hi, Carla."

"Hey." She smiles back as she hops off the bed.

"Okay, I know what we should do, let's go," Ethan says as he pulls a shirt on and grabs his lanyard. 

"Shotgun!" I call as she heads towards to passenger seat in the car. "Where are we going?" I asked when everyone got in the car.

"The coolest place on earth," Ethan said as he starts the car and starts driving. I decide to let it be and I listen to the radion laying faint music.

"I'm going home this weekend." Jake says from the back seat. 

"Why?" Carla asked confused.

"Well, I miss my girlfriend and my dog, my parents too." He sighed. "So I'm flying all the way to Florida, to spend Saturday and some of Sunday with them." 

"I miss my family." Carla sighs from behind me.

"Wait, I want to do that too," I said. "Of course I just have to drive, but I miss my brother."

"Ah, shut up." Ethan groans. 

"What? Do you not miss your folks?" I ask.

"Sure, just, I saw them two days ago? I don't know, I guess I'm not as sentimental." He says with a shrug. "We're here."

He parks the car on the side of a gravel road in the middle of a forest. 

"Where did you take us?" Carla asks as she hopped out of the car.

"I just wanted to smoke with some company." He smirks making us gasp. "Since you can't on campus."

"He used us, what are we going to do now? Be second-hand smokers?" I said rolling my eyes.

"Basically." He snickered. "Wait, there a lake somewhere deeper in here, you can swim?" 

"Fuck yeah let's go." Jake hyped. "Where is it?"

"Follow me," Ethan said as he started walking. 

It doesn't surprise me, Ethan smoking is somewhat attractive to me, I can't put my finger around it. In the back of my mind, it kills me that I couldn't accept Jonah, but I so easily give into Ethan doing exactly what Jonah was. Well, almost exactly. Selling and using are two very different things. 

"Here we are," Ethan said as he sat on the bank of the lake, pulling me out of my thoughts. Before I can even blink, Jake's pulled his clothes off and jumped into the water.

"The water's so nice, come in." He said splashing around like a little kid.

"I have nothing to swim with," Carla shouted.

"Use my shirt or something." He called back. She thought about it before picking his shirt up and going to change behind a tree. I decided to sit beside Ethan as he lights his blunt. 

"You smoke?" He asked as he noticed my presence.

"Ew no, I can't stand smokers honestly." I say quickly. "Except for my boyfriend and you." I said too quickly."

"Boyfriend? Does he go here?" He asked watching me intently.

"Well, ex boyfriend really, but yes. His name is Jonah." I said watching Jake wrestle Carla underwater making me smile.

"Why'd you break up with him?" He asked as he leans back putting a hand behind his head.

"I found out he sold drugs," I admitted after a moment.

Confusion flashes over my face when Ethan chokes, of laughter.

"So he didn't fuck you over or anything? And you broke up with him?" He said laughing really hard. "I don't understand women. He hasn't hurt you in any way, but you broke up with him."

"Well, he hadn't told me the entire time we were together." I groaned.

"What was his reason?" He asked calming down a bit.

I didn't answer for a few minutes.

"Do not tell me you didn't hear him out." He sighs sitting up. "oh my fucking god. You don't even know why he did what he did... and you think you have the right to be mad at him? He should be mad at you TBH." He said. "Now, you're really cool and I really like you, so don't take this the wrong way, but in this story, you fucked up."

"Ethan." I groaned. He's making me realize so many things. 

"Talk to him." He said while he nudged me. "This is why I don't date. Girls are monsters." He laughed as he continued smoking.

He has a point. I didnt even hear Jonah out, he should be mad at me, but he's not. I should talk to him, but how? What will I even say.


A/N ; FINALLY what you all wanted Nat to be told. She's dumb ngl. Im excited to see Corbyn soon though... maybe he's changed. I'm going to start updating more frequently, Im sorry for not in a while.

dedicated to ; Ethan stans, we love him.

comment ; What should Nat say to Jonah?

vote ; Please!

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