5 - Catching Up

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Jonah's POV

And they say 'men aren't shit'.

Not that I'm calling Nat shit, but damn. Believe me, I love her with my whole heart but I don't know what to do. At all.

I rest my head on the door she just walked out of and let out a sigh. All these questions running through my head. Why? But then again, thank you. I'm glad she came back to me, but it feels wrong almost. Like we shouldn't be doing this. Or is the word I'm looking for awkward? I don't know at this point.

I get up and smirk to myself. This is fun though, I haven't been in this 'play boy' phase for a long time.

Wait no. Don't think like that.

I'm immediately snapped out of my thoughts when my phone buzzed in my pocket.

"Hey man, what's up?" I sighed into the phone.

"Wow, we really went from excitement to lack thereof." He said back to me. "Is something wrong? Did you see Nat or something?"

Carter, can always read my mind.

"Hah, yeah. She did come over here." I said before sitting down on the couch.

I haven't really talked to anyone about how I was feeling about this whole situation so it felt nice to tell one of my closest friends.

After around 30 minutes of rambling to Carter about his best friend, he finally spoke.

"Seems like she put you both in a confusing situation where you both want to get back together, but you're hesitant because you feel like she doesn't trust you. If thats what I'm getting." He answered and he was completely right.

"Spot on. I just feel like, I should maybe not do anything? Like you have no idea how weird it is talking to her." I said as I run a hand through my hair.

"You've seen her naked, and you want to tell me it weird talking to her?" Carter laughed from the other end of the phone. "I mean, do whatever you want, there isn't really a way to get out of an awkward phase until you let up. Or ask Nathan, he and Opal seem to be doing fine." He says and we sit in a comfortable silence. "Or maybe start from 0? I don't know, you and Nat be going through it." He said which made me laugh.

"Yeah, I guess so. I miss you though, when are we seeing each other?" I asked with a lighter mood.

"December, 100%. You, me and Nathan." He said excited.

"I'm down, let's do it." I said with a smile. "I mean we seriously need to hangout again soon."

"For sure man, but anyways, let me know how it goes with Nat. I'll call you soon bro." Carter says before he hangs up the phone.

I let out a heavy sigh before throwing my head back. Know what I need right now? To smoke. 

I grab a lighter from the kitchen counter and walk up to my room and shut the door behind me.

I know what you're thinking, 'didn't you quit?' and yes, I did but I quit quitting when Natalia quit, if that makes sense. I only quit cause she didn't like it and well, she wasn't around anymore. 

I opened my window before pulling out a cigarette and putting it between my lips before lighting it and taking a long drag. 

What the hell am I supposed to do with this situation? 

Do I take her back? Do I try to move on?

I exhale and shake my head and throw the cigarette out the open window. Maybe I should start by quitting this again. Fuck.

My phone buzzes from my bed pulling me out my thoughts and I go check the notification. 

+1(209)429-2959 : im glad I could hear you out, im not sure where we go from this though


me : me either ... go with the flow?

+1(209)429-2959 : go with the flow :)

I tossed my phone on my bed and ran my hands over my face. Why does this feel wrong? 

Natalia's POV

"This is awkward." I sighed as I put my head in my hands. 

"It shouldn't be, it'll pass soon." Carla said from beside me. "And if it doesn't, I'm always here for him- for you." She said with a laugh making me playfully roll my eyes.

I remember how our relationship used to be; he lived in front of me. I'd see him everyday. I dont think there is a person I trusted more than him yet, I didn't hear him out. That one tiny mistake lead us here. Imagine I had stayed like he said? Or, even if I didn't stay, imagine I had replied to 1 of his 21 letters? Would things be different now? 100% 

I need to call Opal and ask how her and Nathan got over this.

I searched for her number in my recent call log and call her. It rang twice before she picked up.

"Talia! I missed you. What's up?" She said from behind the phone which brought a smile to my face.

"I missed you too in those 14 hours since we last called." I said laughing. 

"Whatever, you speak to Jonah yet?" 

"Yeah, I did."

"How was it?" 

"That's why I'm calling you, how did you and Nathan get over your 'awkward' phase after you got back together?" I said into the phone playing with the ends of my hair. "Like, we spoke, and everything was fine but it doesn't feel the same."

"It's going to feel that way for a while, but if you're both actively trying to get over it, then you'll be fine." She said like it was easy. "I know you're thinking 'easier said that done', but you have it easier than I did, Nathan saw me with someone else." I think back to the party where everything went wrong for them. 

"You're right," I sighed into the phone. 

"Just go back to how it was Talia, I promise you will fall right back into place with each other." She said which made me smile. "Anyways, I was thinking for winter break we all go on a ski trip. You know, me, you, Nathan, Jonah, and Carter; for old times sake."

We stayed on the phone for an hour after that, talking about everything and nothing. I love having Opal in my life.

After hanging up I decided to text Jonah.

me : we'll be okay. i'm sure of it :)

I put my phone down and let out a deep breath I didn't know I was holding. It's one thing to want to work it out, but another if the energy is not reciprocated. 

My phone buzzed next to me and I eagerly look at it, and slowly the biggest smile creeps onto my face.

jo : #jotalia4life

a short chapter, just until I get back into the rhythm of posting for you guys. not my best, kind of a filler. what do you guys want to happen between them? do you really think its going to work?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2023 ⏰

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