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It's 1916. Everything has fallen into chaos. War has been declared. For years we have tried to stay out of it, but with invasion plans being drawn out. There is no other choice. The monarchy has fallen... There is fighting in the streets... We have no leader...

The empire of Germany has been in a stalemate with Britain and France. With every possible ally being caught into the war, I should have know we were next. We have had a close friendship with England for hundreds of years. Ever since we started trading with them again, tensions have been high. A new type of war was coming... Nobody was prepared.

It's been 2 months. The government has managed to regain control and has introduced a conscription law. Our young men with little to no experience had been drafted. Those who would not obey were either shot or sent away to one of our overseas colonies. I fled to Madeira to evade conscription. Without thinking before...

What was I thinking, traveling to a small island, filled with military officials. I had been caught. I was sent back to Lisbon, where a training camp had been set up. I was only sevnteen. Crammed with hundreds of fully grown men in a trench.

Morale was surprisingly high, seeing that an army 3 times our size had declared war. A propaganda saying went out.

"We are small but strong....Long live the immortal"

And just like that, people signed up instead of the usual conscripts. I began to see more people my age, some of them I even personally knew from cafés and bars. A close friend of mine, Antonio, came up to me.

"Hello there rooster boy", he said. He was referring to a time were I had began chasing barcelos roosters when I was younger. I was shocked he could recognise me, let alone remember that event. I welcomed him and said "I never thought I'd see you with a moustache". He laughed and sat down next to me.

The time for fun and games were over. It was time to learn how to kill... And that time came sooner than anyone could imagine...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2020 ⏰

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