Deku catch up!

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When you wake him up:

I was waiting for my broccoli haired boyfriend in the common room(?) Of the dorms. We were going to be late if he wasn't here soon so I decided to go wake him up. I went to his dorm and knocked but there was no answer. I decided to just go in and check. When I went in I saw Izuku still asleep in his bed.

I walked over to him a gave him a kiss kn the forehead. His eyes fluttered open gently.

"Morning sleepyhead...come on if you don't hurry up we're going to be late!" He immediately got out of bed and rushed to get ready. After about 5 minutes he came out of the bathroom in his uniform. Then he grabbed his bag from the end of his bed. "Ready to go sweetie?" He nodded and we walked out of the dorms together.

Random cuddles:

We had been busy all day and I was craving some cuddles from my sweet broccoli boyfriend. I decided to go find him. After searching the kitchen and living area(?) I went to his dorm. Feeling a bit stupid for that not being the first place I checked. I knocked on the door of his dorm room.

"Izu you there?" I asked softly but loud enough so he would be able to hear me through the door. After about 2 minutes Izuku came to the door. When he saw me a grin formed on his face.

"Hey (N/N), what do you need?" He asked happily. I smiled and hugged him. He hugged back with red cheeks.

"Cuddles." I replied simply. He nodded we walked over to his bed and cuddled for awhile. I started to feel sleepy eventually. "I love you Izu..." I slowly drifted off to sleep then but not before I heard him reply with.

"I love you too..."

Your first fight:

Yet again your boyfriend was in a infirmary with another broken bone. I walked in and sat down on a chair next to his bed I held his unbroken hand. I sighed and gave him a small smile.

"Izu you promised me you wouldn't push yourself this far anymore!" I exclaimed upset he had ended up hurt again. I knew he wanted to be number 1 and I was going to support him in doing that but I just didn't want to see him hurt.

"I had to it was the only way I could win that fight!" He defended. I shook my head with a frown on my face. I understood why he did it I just wished he could have asked for help or asked for backup.

"You could have asked for help you didn't have to push yourself that much!" I told him. "I'm sure someone would have came and you wouldn't have had to break your arm!"

"You don't get it! All might doesn't need help!" He told me I sighed and replied.

"All might is a fully grown man! You are a 16 year old boy still training to be a hero! Asking for help doesn't make you any less of a hero!" I felt his grip on my hand tighten.

"Yes it does!" He shouted "You wouldn't get it!" His grip my hand tightened again it had started to hurt.

"Izuku stop it hurts!" I said I felt his grip on my hand loosen. I snatched my hand away and walked off. I could hear him calling to me but I just ignored him.


Yours for him: My hero, sweetie

His for you: Baby, (N/N)

How he is without you:

He is a wreck. He feels so awful for hurting you and he misses you so much. He wants to say sorry for it but every time he comes near you all you do is walk away. He's tried everything. Texting you, Calling you, going to your dorm but every time you see him or hear his voice you hang up or walk away. You miss him too you just need time.

You best friends and family members:

Your best friend/friends: Ochaco Ururaka, Tsuyu Asui, Tenya Iida

Your family: Denki Kaminari (brother)

(So your full name is (Y/N) Kaminari)

When you make up:

Izuku had enough after 2 months of you avoiding him. You knew you were overreacting but you didn't have the heart to tell him so instead you continued to avoid him. One day after classes while you were walking back to the dorm Izuku stopped you.

"(Y/N) please...can we talk?" Izuku asked me I sighed and nodded. "I'm really sorry I hurt you and I'm really sorry that I shouted at you and I'm really sorry that I-" I cut him off with a short kiss.

"No Izu I'm sorry i overacted massively please forgive me..." I muttered he gave me a softly smile.

"I will if you forgive me aswell!" He told me. I nodded with a smile

"Of course I will!" Then we shared a tender kiss.

Hi guys I hoped you like this chapter for 1K reads I thought I'd add a few characters to the story!  I will hopefully publish 1 more today maybe 2 then I will try publish some others tomorrow! I'd like to mention I haven't watched season 4 so these will be based on the events or after events of season 1, 2 and 3. I'm sorry of some of this is a bit oc-ish I'm trying to get the characters personality's and reactions right so please leave constructive criticism if you have it! I will be adding in the next few days.

-Tamaki Amajiki

-Nejire Hado

-Fumikage Tokoyami

If you'd like to see anymore please comment or pm me and if you have any suggestions for scenarios or characters!

See you soon guys and stay safe!


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