3AM Texts

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Katsuki Bakugo:

Hey Katsuki, are you still awake?



Oi, woman what do you want?

Katsuki! You replied!

You're lucky I wasn't asleep.

You weren't asleep at 8am today?!

Obviously not dumb ass. You made me watch mean girls with you at 10pm after making me watching the other shitty chick flicks with you! Anyway what do you want?!

I just wanted to tell you I love you!

I love you too idiot, now go to sleep. Night!

Night Katsuki!

Shoto Todoroki:


Yes love?

I love you!

I love you too, but what brought this on?

Nothing really just wanted to let you know!

Are you sure?


I may have had a nightmare.

Do you want me to come over?

Yes please!

Alright I'll be there in 5 minutes.

Thank you baby!

Eijiro Kirishima:

Hey beautiful?

Yes sharky?

Can you come over?

Yeah but why?

I wanna cuddle!

Alright sure I'll be there soon!

Thanks love you!

Love ya see you in a minute!

Izuku Midoriya:

Hey Izu?

Yeah (N/N)?

Love you!

Love you too!

I wanted to say goodnight! So night!


Nejire Hado:



Yes Jire?

Come cuddle me!

Couldn't you just ask me I'm sitting across the room from you!

Yeah probably but still come on!

Alright I'm coming!


I walked across the room and cuddled her she smiled.

Thank you baby! Love youuu!

Your welcome love ya too...Again though we're right next to each other now why text me?

I dunno know!

Tamaki Amajiki:

Baba come cuddle me!

B-But it's 3am!

But I want Tama cuddles!

O-Ok I'll b-be over i-in a m-minute

Yay! Thanks baba, I love you lots! Muah!

Y-You're welcome a-and I-I l-love you t-too!

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