Chapter Three

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My parents were right about him having everything I'll need. I'm wearing a pale pink sweater with gray pajama bottoms that have puppies on them because I'm feeling more feminine. I have times where I like wearing pretty things, and other times where I want something that's more manly. It varies from moment to moment. I don't mind being called she or he or him or her. It doesn't bother me really.

One time I was accused of being a cross dresser, but I don't really find it suits me. I wear girl clothes, but I don't put on make up or wear a wig and everything. I just happen to find some girl clothes to be softer and more delicate than men's clothing. Like leggings fit better and sweaters are prettier. Even the dark colors are nicer shades for girls. I usually pair it with a male clothing item anyway. Jeans or shoes or sometimes the top. It just depends.

I'm not gay for doing any of this. I do find some men are cute, but I don't mean it in a sexual way. You can think someone looks cute without finding them attractive to you. I find women attractive. They have soft, curvy edges and pretty features, and I guess I admire how they look. I'm not sure if it's really an attraction to women or just an admiration for them, but I still think they're pretty.

"Want to meet them this morning," Landon asks sitting up in the bed.

We decided to sleep side by side since it's not very comfortable to sleep with your head by someone's feet, and it wasn't as awkward as I thought it would be. I ended up rolled over on my side facing away from him, and he did the same thing.

Now we're both sitting up in bed. I rub my eyes of sleep and nod my head. I might as well meet them this morning. I'll have to do it sooner or later, and I'd rather it be sooner rather than later.

He looks a bit tired this morning especially with messier hair and puffy brown eyes. He slept in a shirt and boxers, and I'm glad he didn't take off his shirt because I don't want to see him almost completely naked. It's just not right.

Landon gets up on his feet and walks over to his closet. I'm not sure how, but he has clothes for me and him in there. I have girl clothes and boy clothes. I don't know how he has the room in there. He pulls on a random pair of jeans and walks over to me holding his hand out.

After standing up on the floor, I grab his hand letting him lead me to where the others are. I'm not sure where they are, but I can't find it without Landon's help. He never gave me a tour which I don't mind since I wouldn't remember it anyway.

It's oddly like I'm seeing the hall for the first time. I know I've been down it, but it feels foreign to me. This place feels really big and confusing like a labyrinth, but I haven't even explored yet.

"There's seven of them who live here," he tells me.

We're past the halls and entering the living room when I get nervous. I really am meeting them, ten strangers, and I'm wearing my pajamas. I don't mind about that though. I'm nervous about meeting new people because I've never been good at conversing with people.

When we enter the living room, the only person in here is lying on the couch nearest to us lying in view of us. He's wearing a black cloak that reaches mid thigh and covers his hands that are resting at his sides and black jeans with a pair or black socks leaving no skin to show except for his face. The hood covers half his face, so all I see is a nicely slopped nose and bright pink, full lips offset by white, irridescent skin.

"That's Tobias Gabe."

At the sound of his name, Tobias Gabe curves his lip into a smile staying completely still otherwise. I'm not sure what to think of him since he's not moving or saying anything. He seems a bit odd I guess and creepy with the black clothing blending into the couch. I slip my fingers through Landon's when he all of a sudden sits up in almost ten seconds flat.

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