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The Secrets That Broke us

Chapter 1

Orlando, Florida

March 23, 2023 1:45 PM

3rd Person's POV

The men in gray suits came, they took the one called Scarlet, but before they left they saw that two other children were watching them with horror as Scarlet struggled to free herself to scream, a large gloved hand covered her mouth. Then, the two children were lifted from behind and thrown into the same van as Scarlet. Three large men sat beside the children and one drove the vehicle. Scarlet regained her composure and decided it was best not to do anything, she stared at the other children to see if they were just as afraid. The one named Laila cried silently. Next to her, the other tried to comfort his sister, he appeared to be calm but she could see the fear that hid behind his eyes. The ride to their destination was filled with the sounds of the engine, the bumps of the road, cars passing by and the horns of angry drivers. The world outside was loud and hectic but inside the air was filled with a thick silence. Finally, arriving at their destination they were grabbed once again and pulled forcefully from the van and into a rusty abandoned warehouse with broken windows, leaky roof and busted doors. On the inside there were many men in gray suits, some even sitting on beams that threatened to collapse beneath them, they all stared as the children entered. Confused and frightened expressions lingered on the kids' faces. Suddenly, a deep voice from somewhere in the warehouse yelled,

"Tie them and bring them to me!"

The men did as they were told. The children were tied up and brought to an almost empty part of the warehouse where a man stood with his hands behind his back and face that said he wasn't here to have fun.

"Which one is Scarlet Hearts?" The man with the cold face asked.

"The one with red hair, sir Mark." One of the men said while pointing at Scarlet.

"Why are there other kids here?" Mark asked as he looked at the kids with a disgusted face.

"They were witnesses, boss, and we were afraid that they would tell somebody who could report this to the police."


"I'm-m s-sorry sir, I j-just thought that t-they would snitch, please forgive me, sir" the man stuttered nervously as he fell down on his knees, to beg his boss for forgiveness, only to be kicked into a couple of barrels.

"Whatever, just call Scarlet's dad and get the money from him so we can release them before anyone notices they're gone." He grunted to another henchman.

Mark crouched down to Scarlet's level, " Do you know that your dear daddy was gambling and now owes me a lot of money? He promised to give it back but he LIED. I gave him a whole 10 years."

"My dad would never be involved with people like you, people who take children." Scarlet hissed at the man. Only for him to laugh at her.

"Unlike your daddy, I kept my promise to kill you if he didn't pay me back, so here you are." Mark said slyly while reaching for her cheek and gently stroking it before slapping her hard.

"Scarlet!!" Laila screamed plopping back down to the ground after her failed attempt to get up, "Just wait until our parents find us, they're going to make you pay for hurting us, and you're gonna regret it so much!"

"Oh, really and what exactly are they going to do to make us pay, huh?" Mark said with a smirk on his face, turning to look at Laila.

"They'll...they'll... uh.." Laila started to say but she choked on her words, "I don't know, but they'll make your ugly, tomato face pay!" Laila replied.

"Laila! Stop talking!" Holland shouted at his sister, but it was already too late as Mark who was already mad was now pissed.

"Tape her mouth! Do whatever you want, just make her shut the fuck up, annoying little bitch!" Mark yelled from a distance as he was leaving, his voice faded as he got further away. With the tape in hand, he approached Laila but when he got too close, she bit his leg as hard as she could.

"ARGHHHH!!" he screamed in agony as he kicked her against the wall, beside her brother, so hard that her vision started to blur.

"Since you don't want the tape, how about a more permanent solution to help you stop running your mouth?" the henchman asked kindly while aiming the gun at the little girl. Suddenly, there was a loud "BOOM" silence rang out through the warehouse. It was like the world had stopped, not a single soul dared to breathe.

"Laila!!" a petrifying cry escaped Holland's mouth breaking the silence, a millisecond before a bullet pierced straight through his heart. "THUD" his body hit the ground. You could hear the bullet roll across the ground as it left his body. One eye shut and one she could barely see through, Laila felt a sharp breeze brush her cheek and a blurry figure collapsed beside her. The smell of blood polluted her lungs causing her to lose consciousness.

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