Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

I'm out of tears but all of the pain is still inside me.

🔔 The Faith has posted:


Yes | No

Hello, my faithful readers,

Today let's talk about how oblivious and stupid people can be when it comes to love.

Be a genius, the smartest person on earth, but I guarantee you, that love will make you the dumbest human ever to exist, because you're always blinded by something.

And I am living witness right now between these idiotic people, who one is hurting because they can't be loved, the other two are just dumb and can't confess because their fear of rejection is too grand, and are afraid of losing each other, but in the end they hurt other people, whether its intentional or not.

Sometimes this makes me want to be a fairy godmother and end everyone's suffering but I love drama too much to let myself do that, so I'll just sit back and watch the emotions and drama unfold itself.

(I think we all know who I'm talking about, but let's let them figure it out themselves, I mean they are our smartest students. 😉)


3rd person POV:

Asher was reading Faith's post, and was confused who it was talking about, but he could relate to the person who was fearing rejection because he too was in that situation, he felt the pain for that person, knowing how much it hurts. He continued to scroll through his social media while Scarlet was talking on the phone before he heard a "thud", he looked over and saw the broken makeup scattered through the glazed floor, he stood there mortified of her expression not knowing what to do, he watches as her body slowly collapse to the floor, her body starts to shake due to her crying. All he did was stood there frozen watching her.

Scarlet felt a sudden embrace, she was now in someone's arms as they tried to comfort her, they hugged her tight and whispered "everything will be fine", Scarlet tried to make out who the person was through her clouded vision filled with tears, she recognized the voice, she could faintly see a familiar face that she knew well, it was none other than her best friend, Cole. Seeing him comfort her, she started bawling, letting all her emotions out.

Coming back to her senses, she stumbles to get up, pushing Cole away. She ran down to the elevator, frantically pushing the button for the door to open. Asher snaps out of his daze and quickly follows Cole who was chasing after Scarlet. After catching up to her Asher pulls her into him, starts rubbing her shoulder to calm her down. Scarlet pulls out of his arms, grabbing a hold of his hand and yanks him to follow her down the stairs, leaving Cole behind. Cole was watching as they left him behind, all he did was shake his head before sprinting after them. After a few minutes, they finally got outside and Scarlet started to rush towards the bus while calling her dad.

"What's...going..on?" Cole asked, trying to catch his breath.

"My mom...." Scarlet began to say before drifting off, tears started to stain her beautiful pale face, as she tried to say the ending, her voice was faint but the boys were able to catch the last part which was, "got in a car crush"

Maybe the sky knew what was going to happen because it was gloomy and the rain set the perfect mood for the news, stabbing each of them where it hurts the most. It was quiet for a few moments even though the world was anything but. Waiting for the bus took too long so the trio hailed a taxi instead. Once inside the taxi, Scarlet sat in the passenger seat and just looked out the window like a dead person. Cole and Asher sat in the backseat, tight-lipped with a worried look plastered on their faces. The ride went on, the silence became thicker and thicker that even the driver could feel it suffocating him, he coughs a bit before rolling down the drivers window, letting air in. He glances at them from time to time and wonders what could make these teenagers so uptight and downcasted. He tried making small talk, but without a reply, he simply just gave up and was tired. He sighed a breath of relief when they got to their destination. Scarlet hastily paid the driver and swung the door open, bolting to the entrance of the hospital, forgetting to close the door. Asher and Cole dashed after her.

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