Not To Alarm You...

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Liam's BMW beeps outside my house.

"Bye mom!" I call, heading out the door. I duck into the car and buckle in. "Hey." I say as we chug out of my street. They greet me in return and continue their conversation about some sport involving a ball. Naturally, I tune out and my mind starts to wander. I haven't decided yet if I should tell my friends about the letter. Of course I trust them with my life, but you never know what twisted thing could happen. But still, I couldn't keep this from them. That would be wrong. Right? Of course they know about me but not what I did. My friends don't know the one dirty secret that I hold so very close. Only two people on this Earth do. Now apparently three. I fantasize about what would happen if the whole school knew. Yes, my imagination tended to be a bit dramatic, but that definitely didn't make the reality any less horrifying. Tristan's whining cut of my thoughts.

"Twenty seconds. We've already been here for twenty seconds!" He grumbles, motioning to the Presley-less car.

"Relax." Liam retorts. "It hasn't been that long yet. Besides, we always leave early. Plenty of time." He taps a rhythm on the steering wheel. We sit in silence as we wait for Presley. I will my mind not to wander, all I want is a stress-free day. The lack of arguing in this car starts to evolve into an awkward environment. Liam continues to tap his fingers on the wheel. Tristin looks back and forth between Liam and Presley's front door. I try to busy myself with literally anything in order to not think of the stupid letter- gosh dang it! I thought about it again. I'm about to review the pros and cons of exposing the letter again when Tristin finally huffs.

"It's been two minutes, I'm going in." Liam rolls his eyes in response.

"You're not going anywhere. You'll just make the situation worse."

"Oh yeah, how so?"

"The triplets. They hang all over you every time you show up."

"It's not my fault I'm that amazing." Now this seems a lot more familiar. Tristin continues to share his opinion rather loudly.

"Well you're also not the only one that actually wants real food this morning." There's a knock on my window and I look over to see Presley outside, trying to get into the locked car.

"Guys.." I say, trying to get their attention.

"Not now Tess, we're arguing about who the superior human is right now." I just lean over the front seats and unlock Presley's door. The boys barely even blink as she opens the door and slides in next to me.

"Well now you're the one wasting time by arguing."

"Hey guys." Presley says cheerfully, unsuccessfully alerting them of her presence. Tristan continues passionately explaining exactly why he's "always right".

"I do not waste time. You're the one who always picks me up late."

"It's my car! You can walk tomorrow for all I care."

"Fine. Maybe I will. Besides, Pres would already be here if you let me go get here."

"I am already here." She interrupts, taking the boys by surprise. "I have been." Liam punches Tristin lamely in the arm.

"Morning Pres!" They both chirp in unison. She flashes a cheesy smile.

"Hello boys. Can we go get food now?" Liam just nods in response and presses his foot to the gas, smirking for who knows what reason.


We all sit in our booth at Cherry's Diner. Almost immediately, a waiter comes over to take our order with a bright smile.

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