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Y/n's POV
I woke up to the door banging.
"Hey, hey wake up." I shake him in urgency.
"I can't let anyone see you." I say lightly as I see his eyes opening. If someone sees you they're going to tell my parents.
"Hide" i said about to run to the door. I cooled down and calm opening the door smiling. I see that it was, Brandon.
"Hi Brandon, whatcha doin here???"
"What happened to you coming over?" He said moving his hands to my waist smirking, as his brown eyes looked me up and down. I could only giggle at him. He picked me up and wrapped my legs around his waist. He kept me up as we made are way to my bedroom. I he closed the door behind him and kissed me as he laid me on my bed.
Meliodas POV
I was hiding in the closet when I hear giggling and, kissing. I look through the crack to see y/n and a boy. They're making out. This hurts a little bit, but that's weird because I love Elizabeth. We're not official but every one knows that I would do anything for her. Nobody can compare. I made a noise to remind y/n that I was in here.
I totally forgot that meliodas was in here. Brandon backs away because he heard the noise too.
"Babe what's that" he asked looking around the room.
"Uh Nothing" I said nervously. He got from atop of me and went to my closet.
"Looks like he isn't that dumb." I said to myself. I close my eyes and bite my lip as he opens the door to reveal meliodas.
"Oh shit." I said knowing that he was going to tell my parents.
"Y/n who is this?" He said firmly in a jealous tone. I rolled my eyes. But I'm truly scared inside.
"A friend" I say quietly as I look away from him. Meliodas gives me a sad look.
"Really y/n, I'm telling your parents they're going to teach you a lesson." He said in a vengeful tone. I look down at my white blanket on my bed. He soon leaves.
"I can make it though this with a drink."

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