2 weeks later

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Meliodas POV
Y/n and Diane went out to go shopping. I trust Diane. She wouldn't let y/n get hurt right, she would protect her if something serious happened. I thought on my head as I wore the same old grin on the outside. The real world was brought back to my attention, when I felt Elizabeth tugging on my sleeve.
"Um sir meliodas there are men fighting outside and I don't want people to get hurt, may you please help me break it up. I tried and We gotta hurry it was very bad when u last saw it."
"Sure" I said shrugging my shoulders. She lead me to the front and I saw no fight.
"Come on its this way." No that I think about it her voice is very, very annoying. I followed her and I could see that we were getting pretty far from the tavern.
"Elizabeth I don't see any pe-"
"Shhh it okay now." She says as she backs me into a nearby tree. I nervously laugh.
"What the fuck are you doing Elizabeth." I say nervously as she starts edging he chest closer to mine. I placed my hands on her shoulder and pushing her shoulders away from me.
"Well you said you loved me."
"I was going to say but as a friend, like I love Diane." I tell her blankly. I can't imagine hurting y/n like that.
"Wha-what."She whispered yell. Her tears started to fall. I hear a movement in a bush and I see the real love of my life.
"Hi y/n"

20 minutes before y/n's POV
I just got back to the tavern. I put my stuff up and went down stairs to see if I could get Meli  to have fun with me but he wasn't there.
"Umm hey ban?" I said popping up in  the kitchen.
"Hmm" he in a humming tone.
"Where did Meli  go." He looked at me and sighed.
"Elizabeth pulled him up in the woods, looked kinda privet if you know what I mean." He looked at me sadly.
"Oh" I said very quietly.
"Yea prepare yourself for what you might see up there." I shake my head. I trust him, right, he won't hurt me, I shake my head twenty minutes up the woods. He's a good person.
"Pe-" I here Meli's voice go quiet. I sigh at what I might see. I looked to see Elizabeth over meliodas. Which make sense because Meli is a total dom. So I have nothing to worry about. She obviously is forcing herself on him, because he would let me do that for a second. I hide in a bush just incase I'm wrong.
"Shh it's okay now." Eww she sounds so perverted.
"What the fuck are you doing Elizabeth." Meli sounded disgusted.
"Well you said you loved me." He did? I make a confused face as they continue talking.
"I was going to say but as a friend, like I love Diane." I wanted to laugh so hard.
"Wha-what." She started to cry and it was getting way to hard to laugh.
"Hi y/n" I looked up to see Meli. He does not know how many emotional roller coasters he put me through.
"Hmmp." I mutter fake mad. He looked at me scared. I couldn't hold on the laughter. I never laughed so hard. He looks at me like he was mad. I gulp, he jumps on top of me.
"Ouch Meli." I laugh.
"qwYou think you can scare me like that." He whispered in my ear.
"God that's hot." I whispered looking away from him blushing. He chuckles.
"Well you scared me first when I thought you were cheating on me with that thot." I said. He pulled my head to look forward to see his face.
"Listen." He gave me a kiss.
"I" he gave me another.
"Would." And another.
"Never." God he needs to stop backing away from these
"Cheat" another one.
"On" I can't wait till he finishes these.
"You." THaTS it I wrapped my arms around his neck to keep him down. I wrapped my legs around his waist. He rubbed my legs. I moaned, I found my way on top of him and he did not like that one bit.
" you b-bitch" I hear Elizabeth voice behind me. She grabbed my hair and I immediately got up and grabbed her hand. I twisted it for her to let go. I could hear her whimper. I punched her in the face. She went limp.
"Boo you whore I didn't even get to have more fun." Normally I wouldn't be like this but I'm horny. Well actually I'm horny all the time so maybe it's the fact that she a lying snakey bitch. I rolled my eyes and flipped my hair to my comfortable side. I walked down to the tavern smiling, that was fun I smirked.

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