p a r t || 2

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Previously :

He smiled softly and looked down at the floor thinking a bit before meeting my eyes once more and almost whispered.

"a rose maybe?"


He smiled at me as if he knew I was a rose person, I smiled back and nodded walking around the counter to go pick some flowers.

"Birthday gifts are tricky but you seem to know what you're looking for, sir."

I glanced at him while picking flowers, he was looking at my drawing but looked back at me when I asked.

"I just know what the person likes."

I nodded and got back to my counter with three different types of roses. White roses, deep dark red roses and pink roses.

"Your description made me think of these three options, pink roses being the cheapest and dark red being the most expensive..of our whole shop actually."

He looked at the flowers for a minute then smiled and looked up at me.

"I'll take the dark red ones...ma'am?"

He looked unsure of himself for calling me ma'am I suppose, what a cute man.

"y/n, park y/n."

I smiled as I put the other flowers back and took out more dark red flowers.

"That name suits you.."

I looked at him with a questioning look, wondering what he ment by that.

"It's a pretty face with a pretty name and a pretty voice, just like this shop is filled with pretty flowers for beautiful aesthetics."

My gaze softened as I smiled at him and returned with a bouquet of red roses.

"That's a pretty way to see life sir, I admire your way of thinking"

He chuckled lowly and followed my every move as I wrap up the flowers prettily.

"Don't call me sir you make me feel old, my name is jonghyun Nice to meet you y/n."

I smiled brighter as I finished the bouquet and looked back at him.

"Sorry for making you feel that way...jonghyun."

He shakes his head and chuckled once more as he looked over the red roses and then my drawing.

"Could I have a drawing of me next time I come?"

I looked up at him with wide eyes and thought for a bit before answering

"Depends when's my dead line?"

He smiled, the brightest smile I've seen all night. His eyes turned small and I could see sparkles in his eyes, as if he was truly happy.

"May 25th, take that as a promise you can insult me if I don't keep it."

I nodded not understanding why I'd have to wait so long but then again everyone has their own lives.

He payed for the flowers and left a tip. Looking back at the clock I realize it was 6 am already and jonghyun-shi is still here talking about how happy he would be if I actually draw him.

"Jonghyun-shi? It's 6 am maybe you should go home? Not that I want you to leave but we should both get least get an hour of sleep and considering I open up in two hours..."

He looked at the time and nodded taking his flowers in his hand and held out his pinky.

"May 25."

I smiled and intertwined our pinkies.

"May 25"

I repeated and he waved at me as he left the shop leaving me alone yet again.

I closed the shop and went to the storage room turning on my night music as I slowly fell into a deep sleep making sure to remember the mans face to draw it later on.


count of words : 595

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