Being There

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"So, I just wanted to apologize for not being able to come out yesterday. Some unexpected things happened that needed to be taken care." Izuku had a nervous smile as he bowed. He was hoping that the woman would be able to forgive him.

"Izuku, it's no trouble at all. I'm sure that UA is giving their students plenty of work to do. It's no big deal." The woman with white hair reassured that he had not offended her in any way
Izuku's smile became one of relief as he straightened to look back up to Rei Todoroki; Shoko's mother.

"Thank you for understanding."

"Now that's out of the way." Both turned to see Shoko who was coming up from behind and stood next to the boy. "We passed!" The girl exclaimed that last part as she let out some of her excitement.

"Oh, that's great! I'm so proud of you two!" Rei stood form her chair as the three joined into a hug. Izuku could tell that Shoko was enjoying the moment. At first, she was afraid that nothing had changed, and her mother would still hate her. If Izuku weren't there to catch her, then she would have collapsed when Rei had said two simple words. 'I'm sorry.'
After that, they just... talked. It as slow at first of course, but over time it felt like they've been doing this forever.

Meeting with Rei had lifted Shoko's life so much higher. Izuku knew of the pit of guilt that she carried with her all those years. She always thought that it was because of her, that Rei was in here. Not exactly her though. She blamed her left side that came from the garbage man that called himself a hero.

So, when Rei had said those words, that pit vanished. And the two Todorokis became a family again.

All three were talking as they usually did. They had plenty to share since they hadn't seen each other in years. Shoko was just in the middle of her sentence when her phone vibrated within her pocket. She was originally going to ignore but saw that Izuku's phone that was resting on the table had also vibrated. The boy took and checked the device.

"It's from Yaoyorozu. Says that I should come out to the school pool. What about yours?" Izuku looked over to Shoko who was currently pulling out her own phone. A few weeks into the school year, it was suggested that they all swap numbers. It took a little while since there were 20 students, but in the end, it proved to be worth it.

"Also, from Yaoyorozu. And basically, the same thing that she told you. Sorry to disappoint her, but-. "

"You should go." Both kids looked to Rei who had a small, but joyful smile. "You have friends that want your company. It would be rude to not go."

"It would be even more rude to just leave. I care more about my own mother than people who I've only known for a few months." Shoko was quick to reject the proposal.

"Friends are just as important. Especially for someone your age. You need to explore with them while you still have time. Me on the other hand, well, I think it's safe to say that I'm not going anywhere. So, you don't have to worry. I'll always be here for you."

Although Inko had given the younger Todoroki times of what it felt like to have a mother in the past year that she and Izuku have been together, it truly felt like something she wished she could hold onto to for the rest of her life, and never let go.

Both girls conjoined into a tight hug, while Izuku was contempt to see that both were getting the affection they needed from each other. That was until Rei had looked from over her daughters' shoulder and motioning him to join in.
'Oh, might as well.'

The three held each other close for the second time that day.

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