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          ten years passed like nothing. harry learned all about draco. drco's friend blaise, the guy that sat with them at lunch and school and ron's boyfriend, was a great source of funny stories of draco.

          ron is sadly still in boyfriend zone due to being a bit of a coward when it came to such things as marriage and commitment in general.

          hermione and pansy are happily married with a five year old daughter. rose parkinson was going to be a heartbreaking woman one day.

          right now, draco and pansy sat in pansy and hermione's living room while their lovers were in hermione's study.

          ,,so how's rose? is she being a good girl ?" draco smirked and pansy sighed. the bags under her eyes looked great, truly.

          ,,she's a devil's spawn. very curious, just like hermione. she touches everything and anything. imagine coming home from a long day and seeing the newly. painted. white room. with scribbles and hand marks all over it."

          ,,i'm so glad that neither harry nor i want a child." draco laughed.

          ,,it's wonderful to be a parent, draco." pansy stated but draco only laughed at her. ,,just you wait until harry proposes the idea of a kid." pansy smirked.

          ,,he won't. believe me." draco smirked right back at her.

          ,,so how are you two anyway? i've not seen you in london for months!"

          ,,well. we just came back from slovakia. i told you, we're still sort of travelling the world and harry can't get enough of slavic countries." draco smiled fondly.

          ,,and the relationship? everything alright?"

          ,,perfectly alright." draco nodded to himself and pansy, very satisfied with the answer, moved onto another topic.

          harry held his god daughter, rose, on his knees and talked to hermione about anything and everything. she wanted all the juicy details and that's what harry would give her.

          ,,-with pansy working as a crime statistics analyst and being in the office for nine hours before coming home stresses about the next day, it's been hard lately." hermione sighed, glancing out of the window.

          ,,look at the time! rose, give harry a good night." hermione nudged her daughter a little and she hugged harry so tight he was sure he heard his bones crack.

          the girl ran down stairs to uncle draco and mama.

          hermione then pulled out a whisky bottle and they started drinking.

          ,,-i was so mad at draco for that, i-i. ." harry burst out laughing without finishing his story properly yet, which pissed hermione off and she nudged his shoulder and ordered him to continue.

          ,,a-as i was saying! i was so mad, i took his tooth. . brush and wiped his shoes with it." harry laughed and hermione burst out laughing as well.

          they were on their 5th full glass now and they were both pretty gone. harry then burst out laughing as he imagined professor mcgonagall as a cat for some reason and hermione huffed in annoyance because harry wouldn't tell her what's going on in his mind.

          ,,what the fuck is going on up there?" draco mumbled and pansy shrugged.

          ,,let's investigate, shall we?" pansy smirked and they stood up from their seats.

          when they opened the door to hermione's study they weren't expecting to see the duo to be crying in a tight embrace, telling the other how much they love them.

          ,,harry, let's go home, yeah?" draco mumbled, picking harry up and shot an apologizing look at pansy who just laughed it off.

          harry slept the whole way back to their own house. when they finally arrived, draco picked the sleeping boy up and somehow got inside. he didn't bother to take a shower, he was too tired for that right now.

          he undressed himself and when he tried to pull harry's pants down so that he would be comfortable, harry slapped his hand away.

          ,,d-draco! what a sur-prise! w -why are you he. .re?"

          ,,this is my house also." draco laughed and harry glanced at him in disbelief.

          ,,but. . why are you in my bed?"

          ,,harry, love, we've been married for seven years. go to sleep." harry gasped in shock.

          ,,alright, good night draco." as soon as harry covered himself properly he was asleep instantly.

          harry truly looked like an angel when he was asleep. he seemed unbothered, like nothing in the world could hurt him. he was the definition of "gorgeous" in draco's eyes.

          ,,god, harry james malfoy. i love you so fucking much."


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