18. Jimin

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• Min Yoona's pov •

When will the bell ring? When will the bell ring? That is what I thought for the past 40 minutes after sitting into a calculus class. "Are you really that uninterested with Mr. Kim's subject?" Oh, at least Jimin is here with me. If not, I would be end up as a girl who kill herself out of boredom.

"Yes, Chim. I am that bored" I take his right palm and place it on the table to put my forehead onto his palm like I usually did. I heard him chuckling so slow didn't want to disturb Mr. Kim's class though.

Jimin is the best for consoaling me, make me feel better with always being there for me. I'm not telling that the others aren't, it's just that me and Jimin clicque the most. "Just bear with it for another 20 minutes, honey. Hang in there" Jimin loves calculus while I'm not. Even if he hate the subject, he won't dare to skip class as he wants to since the hyung line probably will know about that sooner than we thought. And the consequences will be very bad, I'm pretty sure about.

I just hummed at his words. I like his palms where the time I rest my forehead on it. His palms are chubby and warm so it gaves me comfort. "I love your palms, your hands the most" I confessed. "You like my hands, my palms more than you like me?" Jimin questioning me in the most slower voice I've ever heard. "Yes Jimin I do" I held his wrist firmly.

"Well I can do nothing if you feel that way. I'll just surrender myself to you everytime you need my hands and my palms then" Jimin put another hand of him onto my back and pat it slowly. It ease me from the boredom. His hands feel like magic. It works everytime.

After what felt like only 2 minutes, then Mr. Kim dismissed his class before the bell ring 5 minutes after. "Couldn't believe it Mr. Kim dismissed his class 5 minutes early" I pack my stuff which consist, nothing.

"Maybe he gets what you feel when you're in his class?" Jimin mocked me. "I am not a math person. What's more calculus? Just not my thang" I should stand on my own option. "Calculus is adventurous. I don't know why people hates them especially you and Jungkook" Jimin pointing his cute point finger at me.

"Because people like us have swag that you don't" I proudly smug.

"I heard my name" we both turn our head as we heard Jungkook's voice from our back

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"I heard my name" we both turn our head as we heard Jungkook's voice from our back. "I hate math, so what? That fact doesn't change when I am a lot more taller than you hyung" Jungkook teased Jimin which Jimin just ignore him as he put his one arm around my shoulder. "So noona. Do you find Calculus class boring too?" Jungkook walk beside me. As Jimin walk on my left side, Jungkook took my right side. I feel like I was being guarded by two famous idols.

"Of course. I never like math after all. But Jimin loves it very much that he's so into it" I answered Jungkook. "I'm excellent at math. That's why I love it" Jimin beaming so proudly. "I can't say no to that since Jimin hyung is really good at calculating. He's the best at numbers. He make a good teacher too" Jungkook spill the good bean. "Then can you teach me for the mock exam?" I look at Jimin with the biggest eyes I can open. He gaves me that eye smile that most of their fans adore. Of course I will teach you" Jimin cooed.

"Teach what?" Taehyung came and join us in our way to the cafetaria. "Math" Jungkook answered as the latter walk beside him. "Oh you can come to me too since I am capable at math" Taehyung look at me with those normal expression he always wore. "Yeah, Taehyung is good at numbers too. You can come to me or to Taehyung if you have any problems with it" Jimin nodded his head approving how good Taehyung is with numbers.

"No you can't. I need Taehyung hyung to teach me. You can have Jimin hyung all to yourself" Jungkook shooked his head. "Fine. Jimin will be my teacher and Taehyung will be yours" I rolled my eyes. "You're going to pay me by hours Jungkook?" Taehyung teased. "Hyung, you're making more than enough money. Do you really need my money too?" Jungkook walk even faster only let Taehyung to tail him leaving both me and Jimin walking like our earlier phase.

"So do I need to pay you Mr. Park?" I look up on Jimin. "You are my special student. Special student no need to pay" Jimin said grinning while holding my hands and tugging me to come at the same phase of walking as the other two.

"So Taehyung

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"So Taehyung. What's with you and Jennie?" I asked as the four of us have been eating all the food thanks to the ARMY. We ate delicious meals thanks to them like always. Taehyung stop eating and his ears started to get reddish.

"Hyung why are you ears going crimson red?" Jungkook asked almost like a teasing. "It's too hot in here. That's why. And Jennie? We're just friends like how I am your friend then it's the same to her" Taehyung was looking at my face but he was trying to dodge my eyes. "You're considering Yoona as your sister, Taehyung. Not a friend" Jimin stated and Jungkook nodding his head at the fact.

It's true though. Taehyung never consider me as his friend but he always consider me as his sister. Always. "I don't have feelings for her. It's just a friendship. Nothing more" Taehyung drank his mineral water hurriedly. The three of us except Taehyung were smiling devilishly. "Who said you have feelings for her Taehyung? Nobody mention about feelings though" I smirked at how red his face comes out.

Taehyung is busted !

"Don't worry Tae, I think your feelings are mutual. I cannot stand Jennie talking about you all the times" I took a bite from my meal. "You think so? And she really did talked about me?" Taehyung looks eager. "Yes and yes. But do not let your hope go to high okay" I warned him. I do not want any of them to be down or something for the time.

"You should confess hyung" Jungkook spoke earning three pairs of eyes looking at him. "Yeah, I think you should too" Jimin support Jungkook's idea. "Of course I should but maybe not now. I'll confess when the right time comes" Taehyung sighed before he started eating again.

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