20. Alone

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• Min Yoona's pov •

So today I was alone, I am alone and will be alone for the entire day at school. The boys were scheduled for a dance practise for their new comeback. I was send to campus by their manager, Sejin oppa earlier and now I was sitting in the classic music class alone. If the maknaes are here, I would be sharing this class with Taehyung but now I am alone handling my loneliness alone.

After that, I walk into the art of music class which I should be sharing with Jungkook and Jimin but since they are not here, I am alone. I'd go into all of the class today alone and that was so boring. I'd even go to the cafetaria alone and since the boys aren't here, I thought maybe I should not eat the foods from the fans and I should just buy myself something to eat but way I was wrong because the fans reassurring me that it is okay to eat whenever the boys aren't there with me and I didn't end up eating alone since I get to coax some of their fans to eat with me or else I will be telling the boys that they were not treating me well. Of course they don't want that so they ended up eating with me replacing the maknaes absent.

When the time has come for me to go back home, Sejin oppa text me to ask if I will be needing his help to go home but I refuse him nicely saying that I can go home alone so fine. And I did.

I did go home alone only to find both Mark and Jennie tidying up the whole dorm. "I've ordered takeaways" Mark look up on me as he spotted me infront of the main door as he was mopping the floor. I was dumbstruck for a moment. "And don't worry. We didn't touch Jin oppa's kitchen. We leave them just like how he leave them this morning" Jennie spoke from the area in between the living room and the kitchen plus dining area.

"O.....kay?" I blinked a few times before I finally took step towards my room to put all of my stuffs before I get to fresh up myself before meeting the other two outside. As I was taking bath, I heard the main door opened and voices between two males. Perhaps it were Mark and the takeaway guy who sent our foods.

I quickly finished what I started and got out from my room to see that Jennie and Mark already done with the housechore. "I am impressed" I look at both of them proudly. "You guys actually know how to do housechore despite being the rich ass kids who owns so many maids and butlers in LA's" I nodded my head slowly approving their touch in every corner of the dorm.

"Stop talking and let's eat" Mark brought three bags of foods to the dining place. "Hamburgers?" I asked. "Hamburgers" both Mark and Jennie said in unison. We three people eat our meals with gusto.

Hamburgers are the finest food in the whole world.

Hamburgers are the finest food in the whole world

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• No one's pov •

As the three of them sat on Yoona's bed in her bedroom and watch some movies on Netflix, Jennie look at Yoona who lay down beside her. The one who were in between Jennie and Mark laying on the bed. "Are you happy now Yoona?" The sudden question make Yoona and Mark who were laughing about some funny scene stopped at the moment. "What?" Yoona turn her head to Jennie. She looks at the girl's face not understand what is she talking about. "What?" And again she couldn't process Jennie's question. She understood it but she couldn't at the same time.

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