(22) - Way too early

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The crunching sound of snow, indicating haste footsteps thumbing on the white ground beneath me, invaded my senses. I jolted awake, gripping my machete. Looking down from the branch I had been sleeping on, I noticed that both Viscera and Easton were running off to somewhere. Our two youngest allies weren't anywhere in sight. Ripping the rope away from around my body I climbed down the tree, throwing my bag on my back. Jumping down the rest, I landed on the soft cushion of the fresh snow. It seemed like it had been snowing during the night once again. Catching up to the others I finally asked them about what was going on.

"Chopp suddenly ran away. He was closely followed by Grove. We don't know what happened. The two of them were just peacefully talking when he stormed off."

My eyebrows knitted together. Dread slowly crawled up on me. The sickening feeling made it's way from my toes to my head. Then, when a horrifying, gruesome scream cut through the air the feeling reached its peak. My pace quickened and I easily surpassed Easton. Thousands of thoughts ran through my head, making me slightly dizzy.

The trees started to clear out. After a few seconds that felt like eternity I stepped foot onto a clearing. My heart momentarily stopped at the sight I was met with. Breathing heavily I shouted at the top of my lungs. Letting all my feelings out I threw one of my knives, aimed at the throat from Cod. The boy from Four dodged it, so it only implanted itself into his shoulder. Cursing under his breath he retreated together with Siren. Her sickening sweet smile made shivers run down my spine.

The arrival of my other allies snapped me out of my trance. I stumbled over to the two young children. Tears welled up in my eyes as they were lying in a bed of snow tainted in bright red blood. I fell down on my knees beside Grove. As the life fluid drained out of her in its garish red, her skin took on the pallor of a corpse. I hiccuped as loud sobs shook my body to the core.

Grove was smiling up at me, despide of the arrow sticking out of her chest. My lips trembled and I carefully took her hand into mine, guiding it to my face. I softly kissed her knuckles muttering a row of apologies. I should have reacted faster. I knew that I could have saved both of them, but it was already too late. The young girl knew as well as all of us, that she wouldn't survive.

"T-thank you for everything. I knew that this w-would happen anyways. At least I got to spent my l-last few day with such wonderful people."

Shaking my head I finally let the tears spill down my cheeks. A loud bang rang out. Viscera and Easton left Chopps side with tears in their eyes. The boy was already gone from this world. They kneeled down beside the petite girl.

"I really wanted to go to the ocean with all of you. To be honest I'm scared of what's going to happen. I don't want to die. There's so many things I want to do, to see, to experience."

Her messy ponytail had become loose, making her blonde locks cling to the sweat on her face. Her sky blue eyes slowly became glassy. Fear started to creep up on me. It slowly enveloped me in its claws as Groves hand turned colder. Her features softened.

"P-please... win this and continue to live. Experience the things we-we couldn't. Travel to the ocean a-and collect seashells. D-do it for us. Thank y-"

Her trembling, quiet voice was suddenly cut off. Her hand went limb in my hold as I screamed, not even registering the all too familiar sound of a gunshot. Viscera softly shut the girls lifeless eyes. Clutching her hands together she started to pray. Easton pressed his own hand on his mouth to quiet his sobs.

Death wasn't kind. I knew that. It took whatever it could. Ripping away people who were far too young, too good. The same had happened to Grove and Chopp. Both of them had been taken away far too early from this world. They had deserved so much better.

Hours seemed to have passed, when I finally let go of Groves ice cold hand. A while ago, Easton and Viscera had gone to the edge of the clearing, giving me some space. Standing up I stumbled over to Chopp. His curly, russet brown hair was tainted red from the boys own blood. His blood had been seeping out of a huge gash on his upper body.

Slowly my emotions shut down. My face returned to its relaxed state. The tears stopped flowing and my cries and screams finally cut off. Gazing into the distance my whole being felt numb. Something in the corner of my eye caught my attention. White roses fully bloomed beside a tree, despite the freezing cold. Selfishly showing off their beauty, even though death had appeared right in front of them. Standing up I walked over to the flowers. Carefully plucking them out of the snow I returned to my dead allies. I softly placed a rose on each of their abdomen. Positioning their hands to make it look like they were holding onto the flowers.

Wiping away the salty stains my tears had left on my face, I confidently walked over to my other allies. Easton had been leaning against a tree, when he opened his eyes to look at me. Viscera was still staring at the ground.

"I'm going to hunt those fuckers from Four down. I don't care what you do. Either you help me, or our ways part right here, right now."

I was set on finding those tributes. Nothing would be able to make me give up on giving them a taste of their own medicine. Easton and Viscera knew me all to well. They were aware of my stubbornness and of the fact, that I wouldn't change my mind. Viscera finally looked up at me. She quickly exchanged a glance with Easton, before opening her mouth to speak.

"Then what are we waiting for?"

Easton grinned softly, pain was still evident in his eyes, when he also spoke up.

"Let's go. You know in which direction they went, right?"


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