
438 21 18

TW: Knives/Stabbing. Ends at the time skip.

Anti stalked nearer to Saleos, pulling a knife from his back pocket and flipping it in his hand a few times.

Saleos laughed manically, "What? Can't fight without your little knife? To scared to go hand-to-hand?"

Anti lunged forwards, but Saleos stepped out of the way, causing Anti to do a somersault before jumping to his feet and glaring at the demon, "Well you know how much I love knives, don't you?"

Saleos shrugged, pulling out his own knife and propelling it through the air right at Anti, who ducked before it impaled him. The knife instead landed in a tree.

Saleos grinned, cartwheeling over and grabbing his knife, "That depends."

Anti scowled, "Oh yeah? On what?"

Saleos teleported in front of Anti, "Is that the knife I gave you?"

Anti, who hesitated at his sentence in shock, was in too much thought to get out of the way before he was suddenly slashed in the shoulder with Saleos' knife.

Dark growled, his aura flaring around him out of concern. Anti didn't take notice as he stabbed his own knife into Saleos' stomach. He glitched backwards before Saleos could make another hit on his body.

"Anti-" Dark started, but the glitch didn't listen to what the man had to say as Saleos ran towards him.

Anti tried to move out of the way, but the knife managed to slice a bit of his arm. Anti cursed, grabbing Saleos by his shirt and throwing him to the ground.

Saleos took advantage of his lower point, slicing Anti's calf, causing the smaller to fall to his knees in pain. Saleos was quick to stand, grabbing Anti's hair and jerking it back, causing him to look up at Saleos.

Saleos licked the sharp part of his blade before cutting along Anti's cheeks. He moved his knife down to stab into Anti's neck, furthering the wound.

Anti looked to his own blade, quickly grasping it tightly and plunging it into Saleos' stomach.

The man groaned in anguish, stabbing Anti one last time in the heart before whispering, "Your true love will forever cause you pain."

And suddenly, Saleos vanished. Anti coughed, retching onto the ground. Dark was quick to his side, mumbling as many apologies as he could muster.

Anti passed out, and Dark cursed. He could've stopped the fight and killed Saleos. But it was a demon sworn rule to never go between a relationship battle.

Dark shook his head. The only thing he could do now was to get help. He vanished in the shadows with Anti, leaving the ground stained with blood and the crowd to just stand there, staring in shock, before a round of applause flooded the area.

A few employees who had made their way over in the middle of the fight simply blinked in confusion before one called out loudly, "HOLY SH-"

~Time Skip~

"HENRIK!" Dark yelled at the top of his lungs as he arrived in the house, immediately carrying Anti into the living room, placing him on the couch.

"Jesus, Dark, it sounds like zhere vas-"

Schneep's eyes widened as he entered the room, immediately running to Anti, "Vhat happened?!"

"He met with somebody, he said they were lovers from ten years ago or so. The demon started to fight him, and he fought back." Dark explained quickly as Schneep began to remove Anti shirt and examine the wounds.

However, when Dark mentioned a lover, Schneep stopped, "Who vas it?"

Dark blinked, "Anti's dying and you're concerned with who his lover was?! There's more important things to deal with here!"

Dark was suddenly pushed back, Schneep glaring at him, rage clear on the doctor's face, "ZHIS IS MY BROZHER! IF I AM ASKING SOMEZHING, IT IS IMPORTANT!"

Dark backed down at the german's yelling. Schneep shook his head, kneeling back to Anti as he took stitching from his pocket.

"I am sorry, Henrik..." Dark apologized, Schneep only huffing in response.

Schneep sighed, beggining to stitch Anti's large wounds, "I am sorry as vell. I vas only asking because he has had many...many... lovers."

Dark nodded, beggining to look for the photo from earlier, snapping his fingers so he was back in his suit. He looked in his pocket, pulling it out.

He studied the photo. This lover wasn't the demon from earlier.

"Vhere did you find zhat?"

Dark looked down to see Schneep raising an eyebrow at the photo in his hands.

"Anti had thrown it away. I didn't know he was married." Dark stated plainly.

Schneep turned back to the stitching, "Yes... Vell, he vas not. Zhat vas his fiancé. Before zhey parted. Is zhat who attacked him?"

Dark shook his head, "No... Anti called that one Saleos."

Schneep swallowed as he began to bandage over the stitching, "Saleos is one of zhe vorst of Anti's past loves."

"What happened?" Dark wondered as he sat down on the part of the couch not occupied by Anti's body.

Schneep inhaled and exhaled deeply, "Vell... Saleos beat Anti. He vould do horrible zhings to Anti. Zhey vere 'in love' for two years. Zhat is, until Anti ran off. He vould never talk about it. Anti is broken...in more vays zhen one."

Schneep quickly changed the subject as he gently tugged Anti's shirt back down, "Zhere you go. He is all mended. Zhe vounds on his cheeks vill need to be iced, but zhey should go avay quickly."

Dark smiled, "Thank you, Henrik."

Schneep nodded, yawning, "Bitte."

The doctor had left swiftly, rather tired. Dark sat beside Anti's body, just waiting for the glitch to wake up.

Little did he know, however, the last words Saleos had spoken to Anti had caused a great pain in his heart. His blood pumped faster, and tiny flower petals began bubbling up in Anti's lungs.

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