Three || When The Snow Melts

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Three || When The Snow Melts


I trudged through the snow on the courtyard as I approached the two large wooden doors, which were the entrance to the castle stables.

I gripped the handles of the doors which rattled as I opened them.

"Well good morning, Jack. You're up earlier than usual." Kristoff greeted me as I stepped inside.

The multiple stalls where the horses stayed were to the left when you entered the stables.

In the center, it was a wide-open space with a small wooden table and two wooden chairs.  There was a lantern in the center of the table. To the right, there were stacks of hay bales, some space for tools, and whatever else Kristoff needed in the shed.

Kristoff had a hay bale in his arms and he was walking toward one of the stalls where the horses stayed.

"Morning, Kristoff. I still don't know how you can handle the smell in here." I joked and sat down on a wooden chair that was by the table.

I turned to look toward the hay bales as I heard a grunt come from that direction. I noticed antlers sticking out from behind the hay bale stacks and Sven, Kristoff's reindeer, emerged from behind them.

His eyes fell on me and he happily trotted over to me, and I grinned as I pet him

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His eyes fell on me and he happily trotted over to me, and I grinned as I pet him.

"Hey there, Sven." I greeted with a smile.

"It smells like... nature in here," Kristoff said, pausing to over-dramatically sniff and I pretended to gag, making him laugh. He dropped the hay bale into the stall and I watched as the horse began to munch on its breakfast.

"You're looking great, Jack. How are you feeling? Like you're ready to start working soon?" Kristoff asked and sat down in the other wooden chair.

It's been almost a week since I became castle staff.

My first few days were filled with eating as much as I could, drinking lots of water, watching Tooth cook the Queen's meals while I helped her if she needed anything, and watching Kristoff do whatever he needed to do in the stables that day.

I was already feeling much better on my third or fourth day in the castle, but Tooth insisted on letting me get more rest and waiting until I was definitely in better shape.

I moved into the room right next to Kristoff's. Since he was in the fourth room and Tooth was in the fifth room of the servants' quarters, I decided to move into the third room. It was pretty much the same exact layout as Kristoff's room, and I assumed Tooth's room was the same as well.

I wouldn't really know since I've never been in her room.

"I feel way better than I did when I got here six days ago. I'm pretty sure I can start working tomorrow, actually." I replied and Kristoff gave me a wide smile.

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