chapter thirty-two

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"Baby wake up, we're there."  Ashton said to me, while laying his big hand on my arm. He slightly shook me so I would wake up. I opened my eyes, looking at one of the most beautiful views I had ever seen. I was immediately wide awake. "Ash, this is wonderful!" I smiled, looking at him, his smile growing wider.

We got out of the car and met each other at the front. He grabbed my face in his hands and kissed me softly. His hands moved to my back and my waist and mine were wrapped around his neck. 

I didn't know for how long we had been kissing, but Ashton let go after a while, taking a deep breath. "Let's go!" He then yelled and made me grin. We walked to the back of the car, and opened the trunk so we grabbed all the stuff for our picnic. 

I smiled at the sunny weather and was happy I picked out a romper for this day. I was a little self-conscious about my legs, scared that my cuts would creep out from underneath, but Ashton had told me they weren't visible, so I wore it.

I grabbed my sunglasses while following Ashton who was holding the plaid and basket. He stopped at a bit of an open field in between the trees, and he laid down the plaid. I sat down on it next to the basket and Ashton joined me. 

"So what did you bring to our picnic?" I asked him, laughing slightly. He smiled wide and grabbed everything out of the basket. "I got some chicken sandwiches, watermelon, because I know it's your favorite." He said while picking them up and laying them down on plates.

"And some orange juice, because I know that is also your favorite." He laughed and I just shook my head, smiling wide. He grabbed two champagne glasses and poured in the juice, handing me one of the glasses.

I smiled, clinging our glasses together. Then I looked in the basket for napkins, but found a bar of chocolate. I held it up and Ashton's cheeks flushed. "I bought that as dessert." He started, "I thought- maybe we uh- I don't know- uhm-" he stuttered, cheeks flushing whilst he looked down. 

"Ash, I don't care, it's perfect."  I laid my head on his shoulder, inhaling his scent and enjoying this moment. "I love you Hannah."  He said, I looked in to his eyes and smiled. "I love you too." 

Our lips collided and we started soft, but it became more of a make-out session. I liked this, a lot. But I was short on breaths so I let go of his lips to catch my breath. "Let's eat?" Ashton said, but it came out as more of a question.

The whole afternoon was spent in each others arms, we were cuddling, eating and just talking about everything and nothing. It started to get a little darker and you could see the sunset. I smiled, it reminded me of that one night we spent at the roof.

"There is actually something I want to do." Ashton smiled and he jogged back to the car, leaving my sight for a few seconds. He came back quickly after, holding his cigarettes and lighter. Was this boy serious? Ruining this perfect moment by smoking?

"Ashton are you serious you-" I started saying but he cut me off. "Wait." He said while grabbing my hand and walking to the cliff. "I want you to see this as some kind of sign. I am promising you now that I will stop with smoking for the rest of my life, I want to live." He smiled and gave me the cigarettes he kept the lighter himself.

This cliff was the perfect place where we could throw this off of. We looked at the two things once more and then we let them fly through the air until they were too small to follow. 

They were gone, they weren't coming back. I trusted Ashton, he was not going to smoke anymore. "That was brave." I smiled, sneaking my arms around his waist, he held me and I held him. We were just staring at the sunset.

"You know what we should do?" Ashton immediatly jumps up and starts going mental.

"THIS IS THE PERFECT SELFIE LIGHTING I NEED SELFIES SO WE CAN FRAME THEM!" He jumped around and grabbed his phone, opening the camera. I was still a little bit shocked from the sudden explosion, but Ashton pulled me down and set me down on his lap. 

I was quite ashamed to take selfies, people all around the world were going to see these one time, knowing my face isn't perfect and I need to change stuff about it.

By the time the sun was down too much, Ashton laid his phone down and fell back. It caused me to fall back with him too and I was now laying on top of Ashton. I grinned, kissing him. 

"There is something at home, that I want to show you." He said after a while. Home was two hours away, I nodded and got up. I followed behind Ashton, helping him by putting all the stuff back in to the car. 

I smiled at the pictures, looking at them carefully to see which one I could post on Twitter, I found the perfect one. Ashton was smiling widely, like he always does. Other than usual, in this picture, I actually looked good. My smile showed a bit of teeth and my eyes weren't really too closed, you could still see the sun's reflection in it. 

"I like that one, you look beautiful." Ashton smiled from behind me, I turned around again. My hands were against his chest and I smiled into his eyes. "It's waiting, at home. We better get going." He nodded as we got in the car and started driving. 

It didn't take me too long until I decided that without shoes, any car ride was more comfortable. Ashton's hand found it's way onto my thigh. I laid my hand on it and softly streaked it. I just enjoyed this silence, it was comfortable and not one of those awkward ones. 

Somehow I found myself pass out again, sleeping until Ashton woke me up. And ofcourse everything was a déjà vu because it happened a few hours before as well.

We walked back into the house, hearing squeals and laughing. I frowned as we walked into the living room. On the couch, Judy and Michael were cuddling and tickling each other. Judy was laying right on top of Michael.

Something else that caught my eye other than the new couple, was a huge picture frame. It was filled with all the pictures of me and Ashton, me and the whole band or with just Luke, Calum or Michael. Also some selfies of the boys without me were shattered around it. In the middle hung the quote: 'Don't let the colors fade to grey'. Which was my favorite quote ever.

"Oh my god!" I screamed. Running over to the board. Ashton picked it up, and handed it to me. "It's yours."  The only thing I could do was stare at Ashton. I was in complete awe, he did this for me and only for me. "It's a gift from me to you." Ashton smiled, sitting down at the diner table and pulling me on his lap, so we could closely inspect all the pictures.

Judy and Michael were looking at us, probably thinking we were some sort of relationship goals, which we obviously were. "How did you do this?" I asked him excitedly, "I mostly worked on it when you were at school and hid it under Cal's bed." He laughed.

"Where are we going to put this down?" I asked him, because it was probably going to be in our room. "Above the dresser?" Ashton asked me and I just nodded, it was where I was thinking to put it anyways.

Luke and Calum walked in from out of the kitchen, having their own picnic. "Hannah!" Luke smiled and ran over, giving me a hug. "Do you like it?" He asked me and I nodded. "Oh my god my favorite picture!" I said, noticing it only now. 

It was from that night in the dressing room of their first gig, the first one I had ever been to. 

Michael and Judy now also walked up, Michael now ruining my hair. "Michael!" I groaned, looking at him madly. "I love you baby sis." He smiled. I just smiled, too happy to let my brother ruin it. I was in love with it and this was going to help me through it.

ok hi

here is the official queen of sucky chapters. i seriously do not like the ending of this chapter.

i'm almost on christmas break, so then i can write some goody goodness chapters



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