°•Chapter VIII: Being a Guardian•°

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      Well then, let's get started. Shall we ?

*+(To the story)+*

Boboiboy's P.O.V:

              ..... Is all I feel and hear......

        What was the last thing I remember ? Oh right, I auto-functioned [ERASE], no wonder, so that's how it works, goddamit..... What have I done ? I destroyed everything..... I killed everyone, everyone's ....... Gone ......

        Then why am I still alive ? Wait.... Erase can't kill it's holder or user, that's why..... I slowly open my eyes and see that, all around me was white, everything was white, so this is what happens. I still don't have my cap, right from the start, my watch is gone too ...... What have I done ?! Someone..... Please help me......

        Suddenly I hear someone shout my name, that's voice seemed familiar..... Kurea ? I look around, still seeing nothing, bur somewhere afar, I see a silhouette, it's Kurea !! I began to run to her even if I'm tired and shouted out her name.

Kurea: !? Boboiboy !? How are you still alive !?

Boboiboy: I...... I.......

       Should I tell her the truth !? I should..... She is my creator after all.....

Boboiboy: I ...... [ERASED] the whole AU.......

     Her eyes widen, and gasped in shock, she covers her mouth seemingly speechless, I then explain to her the full story. After 20 minutes of explaining she understood me.

Boboiboy: Kurea..... I can explain...... I know you entrusted to me to protect my AU, but...... There are so many events that get in my way of protecting my home, I seem to forget all of it, and these voices in my head keep telling me things that aren't suppose to be believed in.

Kurea: *sigh* I understand, you accidentally activated the ERASE button, the whole AU got eradicated, except it's user. I'm sorry, I was suppose to be there, but creators aren't allowed to interfere with such events.......

Boboiboy: Can you recreate my AU ?

Kurea: ....  That's the problem, once you created it, there's no recreating it back, even if it is destroyed, I'm sorry Boboiboy, I wish I could recreate your home, including your friends but...... It's the only thing, a creator can't do,  not unless you could have OVERWRITE .

Boboiboy: Overwrite.... that button Reverse had, what does it do again ?

Kurea: The button is powerful enough to create an AU..... But he created it, not take it, you can create your own OVERWRITE, but it would take years of doing so, he just had OVERWRITE, the time he destroyed his universe, now he is living in the Anti-Void. (a/n: Reverse's anti-void not Error's)

Boboiboy: What am I gonna do now ? I don't have anywhere else to be, except this place ....... A plain void.....

Kurea: Don't say that Boboiboy, come with me, this might enlighten you. *opens portal*

Boboiboy: Whoah.

Kurea: You haven't seen nothing yet, come on !

    She suddenly grabs my hands and dragged me in the portal, I closed my eyes, as I enter, and I could feel the sun's warm heat hitting my skin , I opened my eyes and there I awed by the view. There I see a couple of small medium sized floating islands, atleast nine of it, including the one were standing at right now, then there are couple of glowing diamond shaped spheres floating around, like a hundred of them, each of the floating island has a tree, one even has a bookshelf filled with books, I giggled seeing how beautiful the place is.

BREAK ME APART:Universe Guardian (BBBAU)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now