Shadowverse (preview)

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    This'll be like Underverse tbh for a bit, but, this'll only be a trailer.


Reverse: Ego ........... I can't take this anymore......

Alter Ego: Why is that ?

Reverse: All these creations, more and more are made, how do you stop all this for once ?!

Alter Ego: It can't, I'm just a guardian Reverse, not a creator. I'm just like you, a creation.

Reverse: But you have more. You are keeping something from me, and I know it.

Alter Ego: Dude, first of, I'm not like Ink that soulless piece of shit, he is way worse than me.

Reverse: Yeah I noticed, but your more worse, cuz you hide many secrets from us.

Alter Ego: *sigh* How about we make an agreement ?

Reverse: Oh ? And that is ?

Alter Ego: No more creations, no more destruction, how about that ?

Reverse: Your not good at keeping promises.

Alter Ego: Meh, this time, I'm not going to break it.

Reverse: Don't turn back on your word, Ego.

     Reverse disappeared, only leaving Ego at the void.

Alter Ego: Sorry Reverse, I was never made to keep promises.

(Next few previews)

       Alter Ego continues his job, after stealing the Overwrite from Reverse while their conversation, he decided to use it to look for the one he cared about, but at the same time, his decision, whether he continues to live a normal life, or continue his job.

     Reverse remained patient, after his whole group have been dismissed, he continues to be careful, and to make sure that Alter Ego, kept his promise, and there, he was wrong. He felt something was wrong after he left, he decided to continue destroy AU's.

    Boboiboy (The Original) living in a normal life, and at the same time, he can't forget his meeting with Ego, he doesn't even know himself, yet he continues to shrug those thoughts.

    Viola, well, she is waiting, as always, she doesn't know, if their meeting will come true. She just has to wait.

(Shadowverse coming soon)


    So instead our little destroyer is the one that'll make the deal it was our freaking guardian instead!!

Alter Ego: I sticked with the script Kurea wtf.

Me: Shut it.

Reverse: Is this book series really come to life ?

Me: As long as I don't act like Jakei making people wait long ? Of course!!!

Virus: Don't tell me we'll be added too ?

Bad Guys (or Evil Boboiboys): *nod*

Me: Of course!!! Even Void!Ochobot is in!!

Void!Ochobot: I can't wait to be on set in this series!

Me: Oh, btw, I might also be adding a few AU characters from different AU's.

Alter Ego: Your still going to do research idiot. And wait, when will the series begin ?

Me: It'll not be a book though, I'm thinking either I'll make it a part of Break me Apart or just do the new book. After Break Me Apart is completed of course.

Thunderstorm (from MIP or Memories in Pieces): Don't tell me I'll be dragged in to this too ?

Me: Yes. But only if your book series is finished.

Thunderstorm (MIP): Well thank you.

Me: Anyways that's enough for awhile, that's just the trailer, I dunno if it'll come true yet...... So for now, book's coming out on year 2056, if it will be~

Alter Ego: I knew your gonna act like Jakei. Wait how about Boboiboy ?

Me: He's in!!

Alter Ego: Wait-....


Alter Ego: Kurea, I forgot to ask about-


         Shadowverse coming soon



If it will~

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