Chapter 14

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Brand's POV
We all gasped in shock, all of our eyes were wide. I looked at Sam and saw her eyes she looked terrified. The woman was pointing her gun at us with the other two behind her.

"Outside now!" She shouted no one moved, but then Data went all James Bond.

"We won't be taken alive!" He shouted and began heading towards them.

"Data, no!" We all shouted trying to stop him.

"I said outside!" The woman shouted.

"Data stop! They've got guns!" Sammy shouted in despair.

We were all outside now, Data was in front of us and I had Sammy next to me and Mikey in front. I held Sam's hand in mine, making sure she wouldn't get taken or get hurt. We were all worried, our faces told the story.

"I know what I am doing" he said bravely. He opened his trench coat and got hit in the face with a boxing glove. Sam squeezed my hand and winced. Data struggled to push the glove back down, the Fratelli's began laughing at Data's failure. data stretched his arm out sending the teeth flying and it clutched onto the one with glasses' groin and the other two were poorly helping.

A suction cup flew onto a gun and sent Data sliding towards the Fratelli's. The woman dropped her gun and then all hell broke loose.

"You guys come with me!" Pink shirt guy said and took me away from Sammy, while glasses grabbed Sammy.

"Don't hurt her!" I shouted trying to get out of his grip.

"Let go of me!" She shouted trying to get out of his grip.

They began taking all of the gold and such from us. But nothing from Sammy as glasses were tying her hands together. She kneed him in the groin, which resulted glasses tying her ankles together. They took most of the gold from me, but not the stuff I got for Sammy as I had hid those in my bandana and hid that in my pockets. The woman was dealing with Mouth who had hid gold and stuff inside his mouth. Mikey and Data got tied up together, back to back. Stef and Andi were tied to pole and I was being held by pink shirt guy with a sword to my throat.

The woman hit Mouth on the back of the head and he spat out more jewels.

"Oh my god!" She gasped and hit his head again which made Mouth spit up another jewel.

"You mean old witch! How dare you hit a child!" Sammy shouted, glasses grabbed her hair and held a sword to her neck. She winced and looked terrified.

"Sammy!" I shouted titling my head back as that was the only way I could see her.

"Bowie!" The others shouted.

"You wanna play pirate?" The woman asked pointing her sword at Sammy, she shook her head as best as she could as it was most likely hard to have control of her head with glasses holding her hair and restricting her movement. Tears were running down her cheeks and she was being pushed to the edge of the boat.

"We'll play pirate, it will be like the movies and you'll drown!" The woman shouted.

Sammy looked at me and mouthed 'I love you' and was pushed off. She screamed and then they stopped.

"Bowie!" We all shouted.

The last adventure ~The Goonies~ Brand WalshWhere stories live. Discover now