Days like these.

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"of course i wanted to tell you good night." Jordan said "You've done a lot for me today Jordan." you said as he wraps his arms around your waist. "So? it's because i care for you cry baby." Jordan laughed, and you laughed along with him. "Would you like to go to the Beach with me and Spencer?" Jordan Asked. "omg yes!!" you said in excitement. jumping up and down. He smiled at the sight of you being excited. You both knew tomorrow would be a great day. "i'm gonna take a shower and head to bed." you told him and you kissed him on the cheek goodnight. You walked in your room full of excitement you quickly went to your drawer and went through all of your swimsuits trying to pick the perfect one.

"crap" you thought to yourself it's 4:30 in the morning. You looked over at your desk which had a dark green bikini with a bare of jean shorts. You texted the groupchat you had with the Twins and Spencer


YOU: is anyone awake? 4:36

OLIVIA: nun of us went to sleep we are all in Jordan's room. 4:37

you put your phone back on the nightstand and quietly slipped out your room and into jordan's where they all sat on the floor in a little circle. you yawned and put your hair into a ponytail. "sup guys" you said with a whisper. they all waved not saying a word. "we have a idea." Spencer whispered. "let's go to the beach early so we can see the sunrise?" you questioned. the all looked and nodded. you walked out of the room not saying a word, you went into your room changing into your bikini. You walked down stairs with your shoes in hand and beach towel. "you're not gonna wear a shirt?" Jordan asked also shirtless himself. "i should be asking you the same thing jordan." you quietly laughed. Spencer and Liv came down stairs with all their belongings. "i call shotgun" you said. "fine by me." Jordan winked at you. You all walked outside and the sky was still dark with some stars still in the sky.

It took almost an hour to get to the beach because Jordan drives like a grandma i swear. We parked and got out of Jordan's car. You all left your phones in the car. The sun was beginning to come and you could feel the sand in between your toes. it made you smile like idiot. Olivia spread a blanket on the sand, where her and Spencer layed down while you and Jordan stood next to each other staring at the sun. "it's perfect." You said. "I'm not saying something cheesy" Jordan laughed walking towards the shore. You followed him and you turned around to see Spencer giving you a thumbs up while smiling. As you were still walking with Jordan his grabbed your hand and interlocked your fingers with his. You looked up at him while he stared at the sunrise. "having fun?" you questioned. "with you, always." he said letting go of your hand to give you hug. JJ had just pulled up with many other people getting ready for there beach day just like us. "heyo what's up guys!" he gave Spencer a hand shake and Liv a side hug. "Big man! how are you!" he said giving Jordan the same hand shake as his did with Spencer. "there's my favorite softball player! what's up lizzy!!" JJ said with the brightest smile you'd seen. That was one thing you liked about JJ he was always in a good mood, very very hyper. Also threw good party's from what you'd heard from Spencer. JJ had a little beach bag that he went and set next to Olivia and pulled out a football. "let's play Jordan." JJ laughed. Spencer got up and went to play with the two boys, While you went and sat next to Liv. "So you both obviously aren't just 'fake dating'." she said making quotes with her hands. "yeah i know, but i just don't want to lose someone in a short amount of time, it tends to happen a lot." you said. "what tends to happen a lot?" a familiar voice from behind you asked. It turned out to be layla.

great how nice of her to show up

"Hey Layla" you waved awkwardly. "mind if i sit?" she asked with a sparky tone. "Nope go ahead." she layed out a towel for her to sit. Asher came from behind her and set a bag down. "I'm gonna go play with the boys." he said and walked away. Not saying a word to you.

"i think i'm gonna go play with the boy's too" You said.

growing up, if spencer loved something, you did too. Both of you acted like as if you were twins, you always knew you weren't but you could dream.


"Well, i wouldn't have expected the Crenshaw slut to be dating The star quarterback." Layla smirked. You had to take a breath because you weren't gonna cause a scene in front of everyone. "leave Jordan and Lizzy Alone. Come on Layla you have your own relationship with Asher." you said. "Now if you will excuse me i am going to play football." i got up and made my way towards the group of boys plus Lizzy


"You guys need extra player's?" you asked. "i got liz! JJ you got Liv." Jordan said. And as always he was the QB. "i wanna be wide receiver!" you told Jordan. "okay come stand over here, when i say go then i'm gonna throw you the ball okay?" "i got it." you were ready. You always wanted to play football and it was your 'time to shine' cheesy right? "ready go!" you started running trying to get away from Asher and Spencer. You got away from Asher but you knew Spencer would get you. you turned back to see if Jordan threw the ball yet and as soon as you looked back he launched the ball towards you. You jumped in the air catching the ball with both your hands. as soon as your feet hit the ground you ran trying to get away from Spencer. "Come on Spence let me get one touchdown." you groaned as he grabbed you by the waist throwing you over his shoulder. "Not today sis." he laughed. All the football boys laughed as Spencer passed them and they watched as he brung you to jordan. he turned you to where you faced the star QB. "what happened to my Star wide receiver?"Jordan laughed. "You can put me down now Spencer James." you groaned. They both continued to laugh as spencer set you down on the sand on your butt. You jumped up and grabbed the ball back from Jordan and ran. "it's not over til the whistle blows!" you laughed running towards the opposite side where Asher and JJ were. "GO LIZZY!!" JJ yelled jumping up and down. While Asher sat there and just let you pass by. you went just a bit passed Asher and JJ and then stopped. you looked at the hundreds of people on the beach and you took a deep breathe. Then jordan came up behind you picking you up bridal style. you screamed and laughed with him as he brought you to the water. "do not put me in the waterr" you said grabbing onto his neck. He laughed and acted as if he was gonna do it. "you better not jordan it's cold." and as soon as you said that jordan dropped you in the water. And you were write the water was cold and clear. you stood up in the water and it went up to your waist, you were shivering with you hair all in your face. you whipped your hair back and rubbed your eyes and walked towards the dry sand looking for Jordan. You saw him and Olivia both laughing at you sitting in the sand. you ran towards them as they tried to run away. you jumped on jordans back causing him to almost fall over almost dropping you. "oh geez Jordan." you laughed. "let's head back home i'm tired" Jordan sighed setting you down. "aww come on we just got here" you whined. "it's almost 6 o'clock lizzy" Spencer laughed. "Liv can you Drive home?" Jordan asked her. "ugh fine" she groans. we all got into Jordan's car. But before we could drive away Layla and Asher made sure they would ruin your day. Asher knocked on the window of the back seat where you and jordan sat. Jordan rolled down the window and Asher spoke "yo JJ is having a party later you should come." "we will see Ash." you said. layla who was walking towards Asher's car but she wasn't far enough away you could still here her say "make sure to tell him to bring Crenshaw's slut." and again all of the voices went away and you were stuck staring at one thing. You stared at the windshield. But when Liv started driving the voices started coming back. "Spence, does she zone out a lot?" Jordan said with a worried tone. "Yeah. it helps her not cry or get Angry in front of anyone." "That's kinda smart" Liv smirked. You took a deep breath telling them you could hear them now. You looked over at jordan and you could see worry written all over his face. "Are you okay?" Jordan asked. "She doesn't like people asking her that" Spencer said. "I can speak for myself Spence, but yes i'm okay" You told Jordan. "how about when we get home we take a nap and we all get dressed up for the party? lizzy you know you've been wanting to wear the dress you got." Olivia said. excitement filled within you. "omg yess! we are definitely gonna do that."

The life Saver Jordan BakerWhere stories live. Discover now