Act 1: The Warrior From The Past

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It started raining that fateful night, the hails of the storm was drowned by the sound of bullets, canons fired, and clashing of swords from afar.


My father yelled, who was currently the officer-in-charge after Major Keynes was killed right in front of me. I remember I cursed and fired a shot, sending the brains of the assailant scattered across the bog.

I marched towards him, expecting for any order to either deploy me or have me fall back, the latter being out of the question, I must say.

"Gather the 11th Squad and take young master Harley with you."

My jaw dropped and my eyes widened as I heard the orders from my father.

"Go west and make sure to keep the whole team alive along with the young master."

I couldn't take it, I knew we were all in danger. I protested and said, "Why, father?" He glared at me and said, "That's an order!".

Never have I seen that face of my father not his tone of voice in my entire life (Lesley was seeing a flashback of her calm and composed father).

"Lesley!! GO I SAID!!!"

He growled, it was the first time he did that. I snapped back and ran, my mind and body were following my father's orders but not my aching heart.

The tears and the rain made my cheek cold while I was running as fast as I can just to reach Harley. I can barely breathe and the air was so thin in the mountains but I was already used to it, except that my thoughts was racing as I have never witnessed that side of my father before. It was as if he was afraid of something and he knew it was coming fast.

I heard a huge explosion far from my right side while running and I knew it was the hospital where my mother was, while taking care of the wounded soldiers. My priority was Harley and I had to act fast so I can check my mother and rendezvous with my father. I met Granger along the way. We just exchanged looks and I knew the message he wanted to convey 'I'll look after uncle, Harley is safe so please go and see aunt now.'

I shifted my body towards the east side and after five minutes of running fast, I caught sight of the hospital in ruins with burnt bodies of people. I had to catch my breath as I was panting after running that long distance. I searched around hoping for some signs of life and I called out.

"Anybody here? Please answer me or make some noise please!"

I don't hear anyone so I called out again.

"Can anyone hear me?"

I heard a stone thrown against a metal and rushed over to see who it was. To my horror, it was mother. Half of her body was burned and it looked like she pushed herself to get out, tearing a big chunk off of her burnt flesh away from her. She was a total mess, and I know she can never be saved but I still urged myself to save her.

"Hold on, mom! I will get a horse to bring you back to the western side."

As I stood up, she chimed and said something inaudible. I leaned forward to listen to her and said "West. Storage. Luggage. Jewelry box. Pendant. Diary. I love you...Les..." she died instantly.

I closed my mother's eyes and promised to bury her properly. I knew I blanked out, my thoughts empty but I can feel my hot tears on my cheeks. I marched on and looked for a horse. My mind was still empty yet the bloodlust was there. I was surprised at how composed I was.

I rode to where Harley is and asked Shermie about the situation back in my father's base. Shermie was the radio operator and reports to nearby officers including my dad. I requested to borrow the radio and speak to my father urgently. I radioed over informing those in the frontlines with my father.

"Capt. Pointeff. This is Lt. Pointeff, over!"

I heard him answer and said, "Capt. Pointeff here, report situation. Over."

I answered coldly, "Young Master Vance secured. East hospital in ruins. No survivor, found Lady Pointeff down, sir. Over."

I clenched my fist, Lady Vance and Harley heard it, including the rest of the 11th Squad. They noticed how cold yet composed I was and continued on to report.

"Granger Palmsaff on rendezvous to base, please confirm. Over."

There was an eerie silence like five minutes then I heard my father said, "Palmsaff confirmed arrival. Over."

That was the last I heard of him.

I called out Wallace and Hertzog, I told them to bring the Vance family to the west and I knew Harley would protest. I looked at him with my blank stare and he saw through me--that seething rage he does not want to see. He went out of the carriage and hugged me tight.

"How could I complain when sister Lesley is angry? I wish I could help but I know you won't let me."

I answered coldly again, "You sure know it. Go and I will sortie."

At the back of my head, I will crush the skulls of those responsible for killing my mother. I went with my horse with accelerating speed.

Little did I know, Harley placed a spell on me so I can fight with tremendous power and deal massive damage to the enemies. As I approached father's base, again, everything was in ruins. I found Granger and the rest wounded hiding in foxholes. I saw Duke Vance fatally wounded and ordered Granger to get him to safety. He could not move as he saw the rage and bloodlust plastered on my face.

"Your father...he....he pushed me...he took the shot..."

That was the first time I saw him crying like hell. I saw the dead body of my father not far from where I stood. Harley's magic activated a shield to protect me from a rain of bullets and splinters of metals. I approached the withered body of my father who instantly died from headshot.

"Skilled sniper, huh."

In one swift move, the way I was taught and trained, I took on his rifle and started reloading. I heard my father's men, including His Grace and Granger yelling at me to fall back which I didn't do.

"Lesley, goddammit! Fall back! Assassins are everywhere!"

Granger and the other's voices were suddenly fading and all I can hear is the classical music my mother or my older brother Alexey used to play during one of our lovely dinner time with the Vances (Erik Satie's Gymnopedies).

I covered my left eye with the eyepatch my mom gave me and took my aim.

"This is payback. Ten thousand fold!"

Bullets were flying but I claimed my first victim headshot, and the next, and then the next one until no one was firing anymore. The longest range was surprisingly around five kilometers I saw through my scope and the carriage carried fifteen men. I reloaded, took aim, and shot them all in the head one by one. Tears were falling and I know the enemies in range were wiped out.

A squall, ah, that sad squall; the downpour became the very reminder of my fate that night - I now lost the last in my family. Only the sound of the pouring rain and my wails can only be heard in the background. I killed to end this war. But no one was ever victorious with war. No one. Not even the kings or gods themselves. Everyone loses when it comes to war.

** Will update next week :) **

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